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Member Update: MVSH Mount View Lodge - Olds & Sundre Supportive Living

Bethany buys homes. AUPE members retain jobs, wages, union certification and rights.

Dec 03, 2020

An important update for 048/042 & 045 members

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Your previous employer, Mountain View Seniors’ Housing (MVSH), has ended its care contract at Mount View Lodge - Olds and Sundre Seniors Supportive Living. Bethany Care Society, a non-profit provider, is taking over operations and will be your new employer starting April 1, 2021.

Bethany is legally bound by the Labour Relations Code to the current Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) you and your coworkers negotiated with MVSH. Your CBA still protects you and AUPE continues to be your union. 

Your job is protected as well as your seniority, spot on the wage grid, entitlement to benefits and all other rights in the CBA when Bethany takes over in April. If you are on a leave of absence or a scheduled vacation when your workplace change hands, you have the right to remain on your leave/vacation for the agreed to/scheduled days.

Your AUPE negotiator has made these rights very clear to the Executive Director of Bethany Care Society. We are holding the company responsible for the comments it made in its last letters to staff, which are in violation of the Code. In particular, the company said it “will be reviewing its staffing needs.”

Bethany cannot lay you off, and AUPE is seeking written confirmation (in a letter of understanding) from the employer that it will not make you reapply for your jobs. Your negotiator also requested Bethany disclose the details of its care contract as your negotiating team prepares for this upcoming round of bargaining. This is where you’ll have the chance to push for improvements to your collective agreement.

If you any questions or concerns, please reach out to your Membership Services Officer at 1-800-232-7284.

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  • Health care