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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Member Update: Facing tragic loss during a pandemic is hard

Resources available for members suffering from tragic loss

Feb 23, 2021

Help is available

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The community of Drumheller is reeling over the deaths of three young residents this past weekend, and AUPE members who work and live there are no exception.

Dealing with the grief that comes from such a tragedy is not easy, and doing so in the midst of a pandemic makes it even harder. Remember: you’re not alone.

Alberta Health Services is offering Grief Counselling Sessions for staff at the Drumheller Health Centre and we encourage AUPE members to attend. The untimely deaths of three young people who held such promising futures is a blow to everyone who knew them, and we want you to know there is help available to help you navigate through this terrible loss.

If you experience intense anxiety or vulnerability due to this or any other traumatic event, please call AUPE’s Crisis Support Service at 1-844-744-7026. After an initial assessment to ensure that your crisis is related to workplace events, you will receive up to six counselling sessions per crisis situation.

The service is completely free and confidential to AUPE members. Crisis support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year.

On the worksite, please reach out to Laurie Shannon, Acting Chapter Chair, Local 044/009 and Co-Chair of the Joint Worksite Safety Committee. She can be reached by cell at 403-820-5101 or by e-mail at

Your pain is real. Your grief is real. Even health care heroes cry sometimes. Know that’s perfectly okay. You’re not alone.


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  • Member update


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  • Health care

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