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Mediator has delivered their proposed settlement

Update for Local 047 Chapter 055, Rosedale Partnership

Nov 10, 2022

Your negotiating team is recommending acceptance

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The recommendations that arose from enhanced mediation have been received. A summary of the highlights of the proposed tentative agreement can be found below.

The ratification vote will be held on November 22, 2022. The location will be confirmed shortly. You are invited to attend meetings at 1:30 PM or 3:30 PM to get information on the tentative agreement, and to ask any questions you have. You will also be able to vote at any time between 1:30 and 5:00 PM.

Your negotiating team is recommending members vote to accept this tentative agreement. The proposed tentative agreement can be found here. The text in black font is language the parties agreed to; the red font is the mediator's recommendations.


Term of Collective Agreement: November 15, 2022 - November 30, 2025

New Wage Grid
Employees shall be placed onto the wage grid by being placed at the closest step which exceeds their salary as of the date of ratification.

PositionStartYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6
HCA Certified 19.2819.8021.1621.6322.6623.1323.56
Maintenance Assistant19.1619.4519.7420.0420.3420.6420.95
Recreation Assistant19.1619.4519.7420.0420.3420.6420.95

Employees with wage rates over and above the wage grid shall be red-circled until such time as the classification’s wage rate in the agreement catches up.

Wage Increases
There shall be a grid increase on each anniversary of the Collective Agreement, as follows:

  • 2% increase on the first anniversary of the Collective Agreement in 2023; and
  • 1% increase on the second anniversary of the Collective Agreement in 2024

Employees who are red-circled shall receive a lump sum payment in lieu of a salary increase based on hours worked in the previous year.

Lump Sum Payment
Employees shall receive a lump sum payment of $1,000.00, pro-rated based the number of hours worked since February 20, 2019 (using 1950 hours as a full year’s hours). This payment shall only be made to employees employed as of the date of ratification. This payment shall be made on first pay period following ratification.

Article 11 Hours of Work
While this article is extensive, we’d like to draw your attention to the following articles:

Article 11.10 Shift Exchange Process
Article 11.11 Additional Casual Shifts Process
Article 11.13 Scheduling Rules
Article 11.14 Scheduling posting rules and penalties for short-notice changes

Article 14 Shift Premiums

Effective December 2022
Evening: LPN $1.00, HCA $0.85, other $.50
Night: LPN $1.00, HCA $0.85, other $.50

Effective December 2023
Evening: LPN $1.25, HCA $1.10, other $.50
Night: LPN $1.25, HCA $1.10, other $.50

Effective December 2024
Evening: LPN $1.50, HCA $1.50, other $.75
Night: LPN $1.50, HCA $1.50, other $.75

Article 15 - Named Holidays
Addition of a Statutory Holiday - August Civic Holiday (in addition to the ones required by law)

Article 16 - Vacation

  • From the start of employment but less than five (5) years - 4% of the basic rate of pay (equal to 2 weeks)
  • More than 5 years but less than 12 years of employment - 6% of the basic rate of pay (equal to 3 weeks)
  • Effective January 1, 2024, additional vacation accrual: More than twelve (12) years of employment, 8% of the basic rate of pay (equal to 4 weeks)

Article 17 - In-service
Pay for attending education required and provided by the Employer (known as "in-service")

Article 18 - Leave of Absence
18.03 Bereavement Leave – three (3) days with pay for immediate family

Article 21 - Discipline, Dismissal and Personnel Files
The right to have a union representative present during meetings that are disciplinary or may result in discipline.

Article 22 - Layoff and Recall
A process to follow when the Employer determines they need to reduce the workforce or reduce hours of work for permanent employees. Of particular importance is the definition of layoff below:

22.02 Layoff Definition
A layoff shall be defined as:
(a)  the permanent reduction of one (1) or more Employees; or
(b)  the reduction in the regularly scheduled hours of work of a Regular Employee;

Article 24 - Grievance Procedure
A process to dispute decisions made by your employer in the application of the Collective Agreement, including if you are disciplined.

Article 25 Sick Leave
Effective the date of ratification, you will start accruing paid sick leave hours up to the following maximums:

Effective November 2022 – maximum of 30 hours in your sick leave bank
Effective November 2023 – maximum of 38 hours in your sick leave bank
Effective November 2024 – maximum of 45 hours in your sick leave bank

If Rosedale management requires a doctor's note if you call in sick or have a medical appointment, they will reimburse you for $25 of the cost.

Article 27 - Professional Registration Fees
Permanent LPNs who work at least a 0.4 FTE will be reimbursed a maximum of $200.00 per year.

Article 29 - Benefits
Benefits remain as-is but are entrenched in the Collective Agreement.

Article 30 - RRSP
January 1, 2025 - Employer will match up to 2% of Employee's gross earnings

As mentioned above, we will be in touch shortly with details about the ratification vote. If you have any questions about this bargaining update, please reach out to a member of your negotiating team.

AUPE Negotiating Team – Rosedale Partnership
Nimbel Lagenio
Eugene Galliguez
Geraldine Sagalla

AUPE Resource Staff
Kate Robinson Negotiations
Guy Quenneville Membership Services Officer
Jaime Urbina Organizer
Mimi Williams Communications

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