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Media Release: AUPE welcomes Supreme Court of Canada decision

Supreme Court of Canada decision upholds ruling that protects public health care

Apr 10, 2023

Court validates privatizing health care negatively impacts Canadians

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EDMONTON – This past Thursday, the Supreme Court of Canada upheld our core values on public health care in their decision to dismiss a case brought forward by Cambie Surgeries Corporation (CSC). AUPE knows privatizing health care increases wait times, reduces quality of care, and is detrimental to the delivery of services. 

“We know that privatizing health care is the last thing Canadians need,” said AUPE Vice-President Darren Graham. “We need strong, well-funded public health care that is there when we need it. Not profit-driven corporations focused on self-interest instead of the public good.” 

AUPE stands against the war private providers are waging against equitable access to public health care. CSC was attempting to overturn provisions in the BC Medicare Protection Act ensuring access to health care is based on need and not the ability to pay. Progressive courts, up to and including the Supreme Court, have upheld those provisions, cementing a clear victory for the public health care system and the Canadians who rely on it. 

“The threat of privatization is very real here in our province and current legislators are not on the side of Albertans who rely on essential public services,” said Graham. “We are heartened by this monumental win for British Columbians, and we will do all we can to ensure that Albertans have the same protections.” 

Graham notes that AUPE has always fought and will continue to fight for strong and accessible public health care here in Alberta. 


Vice-president Darren Graham is available for interviews.  

Please contact Kavi Chahal, Communications Officer: 780-729-5108 or 

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