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Media Release: AUPE welcomes Shandro’s ousting as Health Minister

Shandro is out, but Kenney's new Minister of Health comes with his own new baggage.

Sep 21, 2021

AUPE welcomes Shandro’s ousting as Health Minister

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EDMONTON—The Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE) welcomes Tyler Shandro’s ousting as Alberta’s Minister of Health. 

“Good riddance,” says AUPE Vice-President and Licensed Practical Nurse Susan Slade. “Tyler Shandro set fire to Alberta’s health care system and hung Albertans out to dry throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s past time for him to suffer some consequences for his actions.”  

AUPE members have not hid their anger with Shandro, which grew even greater after his announced intention to fire 11,000 front-line health care workers, a scheme that is currently ongoing in the form of hospital laundry and retail food services privatization. Recently, members obtained over 1,299 online signatures for a petition calling on Shandro to resign. 

Slade characterizes the cabinet shuffle as Premier Kenney’s attempt to salvage his reputation by giving the impression of a fresh start for his government’s maligned management of the health care file. 

“This is still Kenney’s government,” she says. “This does not erase how he has mistreated and attacked health care workers. Doctors won’t forget. Nurses won’t forget. Support services won’t forget. Patients won’t forget.” 

She also stresses that incoming Health Minister Jason Copping has his own blemished record to live down, which includes regressive changes to workers’ compensation and legislation that could shut down protests against the government. 

“AUPE members are ready to defend themselves and all Albertans, regardless of whomever Kenney appoints,” she says. “When workers are under attack we stand up and fight back.” 

AUPE Vice-President Slade is available for interviews. 

Please contact Alexander Delorme, Communications Officer: 780-264-9274 or 


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