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Media Release: AUPE members injured in tragic helicopter crash

Union is monitoring situation

Jan 25, 2022

AUPE members injured in tragic helicopter crash

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EDMONTON—Three members of the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees were involved in a helicopter crash east of Camrose this weekend, and the union is sending its solidarity to the workers and their families.

The workers, who are employed by Alberta Environment and Parks, were conducting aerial surveys to count deer and moose as part of a Wildlife Management Survey (WMS) on Sunday, Jan. 23. It was during that survey that the crash occurred.

“Our hearts are broken for these workers,” says Bonnie Gostola, vice-president of AUPE and chair of the union’s Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) committee. “No worker should have to worry about whether they’re going to make it home at the end of a shift.”

Details about the crash are not known at this time. The workers, as of the morning of Jan. 24, were all hospitalized in Edmonton.

“No matter what caused this accident, we expect Alberta Environment & Parks to renew their focus on safety in the workplace,” Gostola says. “Workers need to know that their employer is doing everything to stop tragedies before they occur.”

AUPE is asking that members of the press respect the privacy of the workers and their families during this difficult time.

“Our thoughts are with the injured workers, with their families, and their co-workers,” Gostola says. “These workers need to know that their union stands behind them, and is always available for support.”

“Our fellow workers in this union are our family. When any one of us is injured on the job, we all hurt. An injury to one is an injury to all.”


Vice-President Gostola is available for interviews.

Please contact Alexander Delorme, AUPE Communications Officer: 780-264-9274 or

News Category

  • Media release


  • Government Services


  • Occupational health & safety committee

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