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MEDIA RELEASE: AUPE doesn't point finger at employer over layoffs

Over 200 members receive layoff from Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission

Jan 12, 2021

Questions government's handling of pandemic

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EDMONTON - With over 200 members receiving notice from the Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission (AGLC) this week and no expected date of recall, the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE) isn’t pointing fingers at the employer but is questioning the government’s handling of the pandemic to date.

“These hard-working members ensured that one of the key generators of government revenue continued to operate safely over these past several months only to be handed lay-off notices,” said Susan Slade, AUPE Vice President.

Among those who received notice this week are gaming technicians, warehouse workers and administration, along with Game Sense Advisors and Hotline operators - all of whom provide valuable service to gaming within the province of Alberta. The AGLC is holding town halls with the affected workers this afternoon, many of whom are quite confused and upset.

“While our members recognize the AGLC has had its revenues drastically reduced, some are having a hard time understanding why the government shut down the gaming industry while leaving people free to walk through crowds in the malls and in big box stores,” explained Slade.

“AGLC is a revenue-generating agency and the work these members do will be critical to a post-pandemic recovery,” added Slade. “We hope to see them back at work soon, along with the rest of Albertans who are bearing the brunt of this horrible situation.”


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  • Media release