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MEDIA ADVISORY: Canmore workers to defy weather, rally against cuts

Despite frigid contitions, AUPE members and supporters will protest against cuts to public services in Canmore on Mon. Jan. 13.

Jan 10, 2020

MEDIA ADVISORY: Canmore workers to defy weather, rally against cuts

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CANMORE – Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE) members and supporters will brave Arctic conditions to hold an information picket protest in Canmore on Mon. Jan. 13, 2020.

Media are invited to attend.

“In every community in Alberta, people are seeing that their government is not working for them, but for big corporations.They know it’s wrong to give away billions of dollars to big companies while slashing thousands of jobs, cutting services and rolling back wages,” says AUPE vice-president Karen Weiers.

"The fact that we are out going to be out on the street in these conditions shows just how important public services are to us and how determined we are to fight to save them from this austerity regime. The weather may be cruel, but the cuts are worse.

“The government is waging war on workers and on the Albertans who rely on their services, including those who need health care in communities including Canmore,” says Weiers.

“AUPE members are standing up for our public services and all Albertans. We are Alberta’s loudest, proudest union, and the government is going to hear our united voice.”

EVENT: Fight the Cuts Information Picket

DATE:Mon., January 13, 2020

TIME: 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

LOCATION: Canmore General Hospital (in front of the hospital on Hwy 1A).

AUPE is western Canada’s largest union, with more than 96,000 members.


For more information, please contact:

Terry Inigo-Jones, AUPE communications officer: 403-831-4394


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  • Media release

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