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Legal Aid: Bargaining begins with non-monetary items

Bargaining update for Local 118 Chapter 019, Legal Aid

Jun 26, 2024

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Your negotiating team met with Legal Aid on June 19 to begin bargaining. The employer started by saying we should all work together to solve our problems, but based on initial non-monetary proposals, we know that we will get only what we stand up for. 

As you can see from these highlights, we are approaching these matters from different perspectives.  

You can download our full proposals here. We want to address: 

  • The difficulty we are having getting our time off approved, including for vacation, bonus days, and time off for union business;  

  • Discipline and performance management; 

  • Work from home, particularly management cancelling and denying WFH arrangements.  

Legal Aid’s non-monetary proposals also mentioned scheduling, discipline, and work from home. Their full proposal is available to download here. Their big proposals include: 

  • Expanded working hours and use of temporary and casual employees; 

  • A longer term for disciplinary records to stay on your personnel file; 

  • Work from home, particularly to revisit the current provisions. While they confirmed they are not canceling WFH, they do not have specific proposals to share. 

We will not accept less than we deserve and what you said was most important to you. We need you to stand with us and be ready to take action. 

Attend our monthly membership meeting 

Our next monthly membership meeting is coming up and will be virtual. Come for more updates and to ask questions. 

Thursday, June 27 
6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 

Join over Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8648094510?pwd=K2ZNcEU0RjIwZVRXZGE5YW9GYngrUT09&omn=83936053428  

Meeting ID: 864 809 4510 
Passcode: 230399 

Upcoming bargaining meetings 

Our next meetings with the employer are scheduled for August 28, September 18 and 19, and October 16. We will discuss non-monetary items before we move on to wages, benefits, and other financial compensation. 

Wear red on these days to show Legal Aid we are strong and united. We must show them we stand together. That’s how we will win what we deserve at the bargaining table. 

You can also take photos wearing red and send them to photos@aupe.org so we can post them to AUPE’s social media. Let’s show our solidarity! 

Please contact your negotiating team if you have any questions. 


Ravinderjit (Ravi) Singh 
singhravinderjit21@gmail.com or 780-913-0333 

Janelle Supria 
jhemraj@hotmail.com or 403-850-7658 

Tasha Halldorson 
t.halldorson@yahoo.com or 780-920-0422 

April Graham, Alternate 
aprilgraham@yahoo.com or 780-718-9574 


Merryn Edwards Negotiations 
m.edwards@aupe.org or 780-952-1951 

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  • Bargaining updates




  • Boards/agencies/local government

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