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Join rally at Swan Evergreen to demand respect

Send a message to your employer: No more delays in bargaining

Feb 16, 2024

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It’s been more than two years since the 100 workers at Swan Evergreen Village in Calgary decided to join the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE) – but we’re still waiting for a first contract. 

We made that decision because we deserved better for the important work we do, better pay and better working conditions. That is still true today. 

The time has come to send a message to our employer: No more delays. We want a contract now! 

We want to send that message loud and clear. That’s why we’re staging a rally outside the continuing-care facility on Tuesday, Feb. 20.  

Your negotiating team will be meeting the employer later that week. 

We urge all members to join this rally. The more people who are there and the louder we are, the more pressure the employer will feel to give us what we deserve, a fair contract that allows us to continue providing quality care to the residents we love. 

Important rally requirements 

It is important that you attend this rally only on non-work hours. Come on your break, or before your shift or after your shift. If it’s your day off, come and join the rally. It’ll be fun. And will help send our message. 

Stay off company property. The rally will be held outside the facility, so the employer and residents can hear us. Do not stray onto company property and do not block access to the facility. 

  • RALLY TIME: 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 20. 

  • LOCATION: Swan Evergreen Village, 2635 Eversyde Ave. S.W., Calgary. 

Let’s make some noise! 


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