AUPE members are holding a virtual convention on December 1, 2, 3, and 4. The convention theme for this year is Our Struggles, Our Solidarity, Our Union!
Convention 2021 is also an election year. During convention, delegates will vote to elect our union’s eight-member executive. Those positions include:
Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Six Vice-Presidents
Nomination process
Here is some information for you if you decide to run for any of these positions.
Click here to download the candidate nomination form.
Candidates who submit their nomination form, including a $100 nomination deposit, on or before October 11, 2021, are entitled to the following:
A candidate statement in the print edition of Direct Impact Magazine, which will be mailed to all members one week before convention. Your candidate statement must be emailed to editor@aupe.org and must not exceed 500 words. Your candidate statement must be received by October 11, 2021. Late submissions will not be printed or published – no exceptions.
Candidates may also participate in virtual telephone town halls in advance of the election. The elections committee will share more information on these virtual telephone town halls soon. Please check aupeconvention.org for updates.
The $100 nomination deposit is payable to AUPE and refunded if you accept your nomination at convention.
All candidates, including those who submit their nomination form and deposit after October 11, 2021, are entitled to send one email message to all convention delegates. Candidates may also have access to delegate contact lists if time permits.
Nominations from the floor
AUPE members who do not submit a nomination form may still run for a position at convention. All candidates, including those who declare their candidacy before convention, must be nominated from the floor of our virtual convention.
Please contact a member of the elections committee if you’d like more information.
Justin Huseby, Chairperson
403-880-1689 (Cell), or email electionscommittee@aupe.org
Peter Steward
403-650-7678 (Cell)
Lauren Wood
403-999-2609 (Cell)