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Independent arbitrator awards no wage raise to AHS NC members

Arbitrator awards no wage adjustment to AUPE members working for Alberta Health Services Nursing Care

Jan 31, 2020

Independent arbitrator awards no wage raise to AHS NC members

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Independent arbitrator Phyllis Smith has awarded no wage increases for AUPE members working in AHS Nursing Care (AHS NC).

“This is an extremely disappointing result,” said AUPE President Guy Smith. “We made a strong case that AHS Nursing Care members deserved a raise after agreeing to freezes in the first two years of their agreement, and its disheartening to get this result despite the evidence we presented.”

Keep up the Fight – bargaining begins again soon

As we head into bargaining for your next collective agreement in the coming months, our message to the government and Alberta Health Services is that it’s time to focus on Albertans. It’s time to put people before profits. It’s time to make decisions based on evidence, not ideology.

“We must be prepared to fight and remember that doing nothing gets us nothing,” says Smith. The government has signalled its intentions many times, as recently as the 2020 budget town halls, when Finance Minister Travis Toews repeated that the government has budgeted no money for wage increases for years to come.

The threat against us, our jobs, our wages, our benefits, our pensions have not stopped. This fight started with the NDP offering zero wage increases for 2019/2020, and the UCP bringing in Bill 9 to delay arbitration decisions. That's when we began to protest, to fight back, and this decision today means our fight for a fair deal only escalates.

Negotiations Team

Local 041
Christine Vavrik -
Myrna Wright (A) -

Local 043
Judy Fader -
Marylou Savic (A) -

Local 044
Brenda Bailer -
Laurie Johnson (A) -

Local 045
Nancy Burton -
Brenda Marks (A) -

Local 046
Dolline Osterlund -
Sandy Kyle (A) -

AUPE Resource Staff

Jason Rattray, Negotiator -
Farid Iskandar, Organizer -
Kate Jacobson, Organizer -
Alexander Delorme, Communications -

News Category

  • Member update

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