Until now, there had not been mutual agreement between the parties on an arbitrator.
Your committee is currently in the process of putting together presentations and briefs for the arbitration dates.
The third-year wage reopener is part of the current collective agreement, which outlines if both parties are not able to reach a negotiated agreement on all wage reopener items, including wage salary grid adjustments to the Correctional Peace Officer III classification, then negotiations will be referred to third-party, binding arbitration.
Your committee thanks you for the ongoing patience and resolve you’ve shown throughout negotiations.
Local 001 - Faye Rever - rever0001@gmail.com
Local 002 - Emille Currie - activist2018@gmail.com
Local 003 - Mike Larson - 003bargaining@gmail.com
Local 004 - Ken Weir - kennethweir1@gmail.com
Local 005 - Randy Ramsden - r.a.ramsden@hotmail.com
Local 006 - Donna Smith - xsmith@telus.net
Local 009 - Darrol Mason - masonfox1@hotmail.com
Local 012 - Terrie Wispinski - twisp@shaw.ca
Dale Perry - Lead Negotiator: 1-800-232-7284 or d.perry@aupe.org
Mac McNaughton - Negotiator: 1-800-232-7284 or m.mcnaughton@aupe.org
Trevor Zimmerman - Organizer: 1-800-232-7284 or t.zimmerman@aupe.org
Farris Sobhani - Organizer: 1-800-232-7284 or f.sobhani@aupe.org
Tyler Bedford - Communications: 1-800-232-7284 or t.bedford@aupe.org