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Day 1 of AUPE’s Annual Convention is a wrap. Here’s what happened!

Dec 01, 2021

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Our annual Convention kicked off today, with a strong show of democracy from your elected delegates, who came together (virtually) across the province to debate, dialogue, and determine the future of our union.

The morning started as it does every Convention with the President’s Address. Guy Smith launched Convention 2021 with an acknowledgment of the struggles and the strength members have harnessed this year to carrying AUPE to this point.

“This Convention is testament to the fact that, despite the rigours and restrictions of the Covid pandemic, we are determined to keep our democracy alive and our solidarity strong,” he said — and democracy and solidarity were certainly on the agenda for the day!

Following the President’s Address each member of the Executive delivered their Officer’s Report. Day 1 of Convention also saw the Reports of the Anti-Privatization Commitee, Committee on Political Action, Credentials Committee, and the Legislative Committee presented and passed.

The Legislative Committee will start tomorrow (Dec 2), Day 2 of Convention, by presenting Constitutional Resolutions, which delegates will then vote on. Stay tuned!

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