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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Day 2 of Convention Ends in the Bear Pit

Executive nominations are completed, President Guy Smith is re-elected by acclamation, and three resolutions are passed.

Dec 02, 2021

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Today (Dec. 2), Convention started with the Legislative Committee and the Committee on Political Action (COPA) presenting four Constitutional Resolutions. Of those resolutions, delegates passed three, including:

1-1 Legislative Committee

WHEREAS Chapters do not normally recruit new members to the Union; and

WHEREAS new members should be welcomed and orientated to their Union;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Article 23.02 be amended as follows: 23.02 The functions of a Chapter are:

(a) to make recommendations with respect to collective bargaining policy to the Local Council; (b) to administer the Collective Agreement;

(c) to provide for the educational and general welfare of its members;

(d) to implement at an area level, Union programs and objectives; and 

(e) to recruitwelcome and provide orientation for new members to the Union.


1-2 Legislative Committee

WHEREAS in an election with multiple candidates it is possible that a number of candidates receive 50% plus one of eligible ballots cast; and

WHEREAS there has been some confusion as to the procedure to be followed to determine which candidates are elected;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Article 31, Rule 17 be amended as follows:

A member may, by motion, request a ballot be taken on the matter under consideration. The result of any ballot is final and binding.

On completion of any vote, the Chair shall declare the result, and in the case of a counted vote, shall state the numbers voting for and against. Unless this Constitution states otherwise, all motions shall be decided by a simple majority % plus one) of those entitled to vote and voting. Neither an abstention nor a spoilt ballot shall be counted in the number used to determine a majority. The number of abstentions and/or spoilt ballots may be counted and entered into the record.

A request for a standing, roll call, or ballot vote shall be made preceding or immediately following the declaration of the result.

Where 50% + 1 is specified in the Constitution to resolve a question, decide an election or establish a quorum, and where 50% does not result in a whole number, then the number shall be reduced to the nearest whole number before the addition of one (1).

To decide an election, if more candidates receive 50% of the vote than there are positions to be filled, the candidates with the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. If there are several candidates, and after the ballot, the position is not filled; the candidate with the least number of votes drops off and ballots are cast again only for positions not filled. This process will continue until the positions are filled.


1-4 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Committee on Political Action)

WHEREAS AUPE recognizes the history of oppression of First Nations, Métis, Inuit, and all Indigenous peoples on their traditional lands across Canada, and we are committed to doing the ongoing and active work of reconciliation; and

WHEREAS AUPE also recognizes that we are all Treaty People with Treaty obligations, and must commit to living in accordance with the spirit of intent of peace and friendship that is foundational to the treaty relationship; and WHEREAS as a labour movement, we must actively work together in solidarity to end oppression and seek justice for all peoples of this land; 

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following Indigenous Land Acknowledgement Statement shall be henceforth included in the Constitution of AUPE:

AUPE will act in the spirit of truth and reconciliation, and all components of the Union shall include acknowledgments of Indigenous land at the beginning of every meeting and function of the union.

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Indigenous Land Acknowledgement shall be placed in the Constitution of AUPE immediately following the Statement Of Equality and that it shall be titled Indigenous Land Acknowledgement.

These resolutions are now part of AUPE’s Constitution.

Following resolutions, the floors opened for nominations. Here are the results:

  • President Guy Smith was re-elected President by acclamation.
  •  The nominees for Executive Secretary-Treasurer are:
    • Lorraine Ellis
    • Ron Fernandes
    • Valerie Hannak
    • Jason Heistad
  • The nominees for Vice President are:
    • Sandra Azocar
    • Bobby-Joe Borodey
    • Shamanthi Cooray
    • Mike Dempsey
    • Bonnie Gostola
    • Darren Graham
    • Paulette Harrison
    • James Hart
    • Danielle Kiesman
    • Brenda Lussier
    • Jessica Philp
    • Loree Preete
    • Kim Schreiner
    • Susan Slade
    • Collins Ugochukwu

The day ended with the Executive Officer Candidates Forum (the Bear Pit), and tomorrow will start with elections, which begin at 7:00 am.

AUPE is sending thoughts and love to our two Local 118 members who were struck by a semi-tractor trailer on the job. We wish them a speedy recovery, and this morning the union demanded the province start taking the health and wellbeing of these highway workers seriously by improving highway maintenance safety.

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  • Member update

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