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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Covenant Health proposes Memorandum of Agreement extension, like AHS

Bargaining Update: Covenant Health General Support Services and Nursing Care, Locals: 040/001, 002, 004-010 and 46/005, 006, 007

Mar 12, 2021

Covenant Health proposes Memorandum of Agreement extension, like AHS

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Covenant Health has approached your GSS and Nursing Care negotiating teams with a proposal to extend our recent Memorandums of Agreement until June 30, 2021. Covenant Health has also asked if we would agree to suspend collective bargaining until June 30. This proposal came shortly after our fellow members in AHS GSS and Nursing Care received the same proposal from Alberta Health Services. 

Our current Memorandums of Agreement, which your AUPE negotiating teams secured in January, gives Covenant Health GSS and Nursing Care members job security, access to COVID-19 isolation pay, one hour’s pay for attending COVID-19 vaccine appointments during work hours, and more. However, just like the other Memorandums with AHS, they expire on March 31, 2021. 

With the March 31 expiration date coming soon, your negotiating teams are taking the employer's proposal to extend the Memorandums very seriously. We will meet to discuss this offer and whether it meets our needs as AUPE members. 

Both Covenant Health GSS and Nursing Care teams will update members once we have made our decisions. 

Sign up for bargaining updates and AUPE news 

Our power comes from us acting collectively. And the more we strengthen our solidarity and stay informed, the more powerful we’ll be. AUPE members and our colleagues have persevered through many challenges this past year, and we will make it through the rest of this pandemic if we stick together. 

Make sure you receive all bargaining updates, as well as other major AUPE news. Create your own personal MyAUPE account today. You will need a MyAUPE account to participate in this year’s annual general meetings and elections, so be sure to sign up to get more involved in our union. 

Please talk to your negotiating team members or AUPE resource staff if you have any questions. Contact your Local’s negotiating representatives to see how you can get involved and make sure you and your co-workers are informed. We are here to support you! 

Covenant Health GSS Negotiating Team

Lorie Christenson,  
Corey Kucher,  
Christee Langkamp,  

Covenant Health Nursing Care Negotiating Team

Kathy Bandmann,  
Bev Hill,  
Mary Watson,  
Laura Johnstone,  

AUPE Resource Staff

Chris Dickson, Negotiator -  
Madelaine Sommers, Organizer -  
Trevor Zimmerman, Organizer -  
Mimi Williams, Communications - 


News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • 040 - Covenant ANC and GSS
  • 046 - AHS and Covenant Edmonton Zone ANC


  • Health care

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