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Covenant Health GSS: Bargaining Begins Soon

Update for Locals 040, Covenant Health General Support Services

Mar 22, 2024

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AUPE members working for Covenant Health General Support Services will soon enter bargaining with their employer. 

Your negotiating team has been hard at work creating your bargaining proposals. We are determined to fight for what AUPE members deserve. 

Our first bargaining meetings with Covenant Health are scheduled for March 26 and 27. We will exchange our proposals at this meeting and provide members with a bargaining update when the meetings are over. 

Wear Red on March 26 

Support your negotiating team and all AUPE members by wearing red on March 26. AUPE members across the province have worn red to support their negotiating teams, and now it’s our turn! 

Other bargaining units, including our fellow AUPE members working for AHS and the Government of Alberta, are wearing red on each of their bargaining dates to show our union-wide solidarity. Wear red as often as you like to show your AUPE pride. 

There are many other ways to get involved and stay up to date with bargaining. Create a MyAUPE account on AUPE’s website to receive personalized union news and visit to ensure AUPE has your current contact information. 

Please contact your negotiating team if you have any questions. 

Covenant Health General Support Services Negotiating Team 

Jennifer Chornohos 

Corey Kucher 

Christee Langkamp 

Lorie Christenson (A) 


AUPE Resource Staff 

Chris Dickson, Lead Negotiator 

Kate Robinson, Negotiator 

Alexander Delorme, Communications 

News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • 040 - Covenant NC & GSS