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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Convention Notes Day 3: The Elections Edition

More resolutions are passed after another day of debate and solidarity.

Dec 03, 2021

Delegates elect new Executive on Day 3 of Convention 2021

President: Guy Smith; Executive Secretary-Treasurer: Jason Heistad; Vice Presidents: Sandra Azocar, Bobby-Joe Borodey, Mike Dempsey, Bonnie Gostola, Darren Graham, Susan Slade

Today (Dec. 3), delegates gathered at 7 am to elect AUPE’s new Executive Committee to represent our diverse membership.

The votes are in, and these are your six Vice-Presidents and Executive Secretary-Treasurer for the next term, in alphabetical order:
•    Sandra Azocar (VP)
•    Bobby-Joe Borodey (VP)
•    Mike Dempsey (VP)
•    Bonnie Gostola (VP)
•    Darren Graham (VP)
•    Susan Slade (VP)
•    Jason Heistad (Executive Secretary-Treasurer)

Congratulations to all successful candidates!

Following elections, the Environmental Committee and Human Rights Committee (HRC) presented their General Resolutions for delegates to debate. The following were passed:

2-4 LOCAL 002

WHEREAS an inclusive environment is required for underrepresented groups to participate in AUPE effectively; and

WHEREAS systemic barriers and other challenges that reduce participation of those from underrepresented groups exist in all organizations; and

WHEREAS examining policies or regulations from an Inclusion, Equity and Diversity (IDE) lens is not the same as consulting with underrepresented groups and does not produce the same outcomes;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that AUPE, through the Human Rights Committee, create a policy specifying how the union will engage underrepresented groups when creating internal policies or regulations to ensure those from underrepresented groups are not inadvertently disadvantaged.

2-5 LOCAL 002

WHEREAS an inclusive, barrier-free environment is required for persons with disabilities to participate effectively in AUPE; and

WHEREAS it is necessary for AUPE to take steps to improve participation for members with disabilities;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that AUPE proactively solicit feedback regarding reasonable accommodations to improve participation for members with disabilities at least once every two years; and

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that actions include ensuring all communications from AUPE are accessible (e.g. alternative text for images), closed captioning or subtitling is available for virtual Conventions and AGMs, and all software used and venues selected meet the accessibility needs of members (as practicable).


WHEREAS AUPE recognizes that the threat of climate change and environmental degradation is an urgent and serious global concern which exacerbates the existing systemic injustices for front-line and marginalized communities; and

WHEREAS a Green New Deal is a set of goals to guide government actions for decades to come and to help solve the dual and interrelated problems of climate change and inequality; 

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that AUPE endorses a Green New Deal for Alberta that:
• Reduces carbon emissions to 50% of current levels by 2030 and reaches net-zero emissions by 2050,
• Creates good union jobs through expanding the public sector, and a just transition for fossil fuel workers that leaves no one behind,
• Recognizes Indigenous rights and treaties,
• Uses innovative solutions including the creation of green technologies,
• Massively expands and modernizes public infrastructure,
• Secures a safe and healthy environment, and
• Promotes justice and equality for all.


WHEREAS AUPE understands that the world’s leading climate scientists have warned we have 9 years to keep global warming to a maximum rise of 1.5 degrees celsius;

WHEREAS climate disasters around the world are ongoing and have impacted Alberta including: the Slave Lake fires in 2011 and 2019, Southern Alberta floods in 2013, Fort McMurray fires in 2016, and the Calgary hail storm in 2020; and

WHEREAS Alberta’s economy has long been tied to the fossil fuel sector and many Albertan working families have deep ties to the industry. Fossil fuel workers are significantly impacted by an economic and social transition away from fossil fuels;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that AUPE lobby governments for a Just Transition that supports fossil fuel workers in the transition from fossil fuels and that workers be provided with the voice and power to participate meaningfully in the development and implementation of these plans.


WHEREAS climate change can impact investment performance and mitigating climate risks is essential to achieving long-term risk adjusted returns and protecting pensions for beneficiaries; and

WHEREAS the energy sector has been the worst performing of the last decade on multiple indices (e.g. S&P 500); and
WHEREAS almost half of global assets (US$43 trillion) are managed by Net-Zero Asset Managers Initiative signatories committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050; and 

WHEREAS over two thirds of Albertans support achieving net-zero and most Albertan oil and gas companies have committed to becoming net-zero (e.g. Oil Sands Pathways to Net Zero initiative);

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that AUPE requests the Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo) quantify climate risks facing our pension plans, examine possible decarbonization pathways, and ways to mitigate climate risks; and

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that AUPE encourages AIMCo to adopt net-zero targets and set quantifiable time-bound emission reduction goals

The conversation these resolutions generated was fantastic. More Committees are prepared to present their resolutions tomorrow.

The day ended with the Members’ Benefits Committee, the Membership Services Committee, the Occupational Health & Safety Committee, the Pay & Social Equity Committee, and Pensions Committee presenting their reports.

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