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City of Cold Lake: Tentative Agreement Reached

Update for Local 118, Chapter 016

Oct 20, 2022

New agreement sees considerable monetary improvements

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Your negotiating team is happy to report that bargaining concluded on October 17th with a tentative agreement. After considerable back and forth with the employer over the course of months, your team is pleased with the resulting agreement.  

In exchange for additional monetary benefits, we agreed on a five-year agreement running from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2026. Your negotiating team took time to consider both the risks and benefits of such a long-term agreement and concluded that it was in the best interests of all members.  

The highlights of the agreement are as follows:  

January 1, 2022: 1.50% increase. 

  • Employees employed with the Employer when the Memorandum of Agreement is ratified by the Union and the Employer are entitled to retroactive pay for hours worked from January 1, 2022, if any, less deductions and withholdings as may be required by law. 
  • Employees employed with the Employer when the Memorandum of Agreement is ratified by the Union and the Employer receive a lump sum payment of $600 for Full-Time Employees and $300 for Part-Time Employees, less deductions and withholdings as may be required by law. This includes Community Peace Officers (CPOs). 

January 1, 2023: 2.00% increase 

January 1, 2024: 2.25% increase 

January 1, 2025: 2.75% increase 

January 1, 2026: 3.25% increase 

  • Community Peace Officers Market Adjustment 
    • Effective January 1, 2022, there is to be a market adjustment to the CPO rates in the salary grid of $3.50 per hour. Only those CPOs employed with the Employer when the Memorandum of Agreement is ratified by the Employer and the Union are entitled to this market adjustment, less deductions and withholdings as may be required by law. As a result of this market adjustment, the CPOs do not get the percentage wage increase effective January 1, 2022 as referenced above. 
  • Health and Wellness account increased from $800 to $1000/year 
  • Addition of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 
  • Increased Bereavement Leave from 3 days to 4 days 
  • Two pairs of boots for Water Treatment Plant operators 
  • Removal of language that allowed the Employer to require an Employee to commence maternity leave based on their “concerns” for the Employee’s health safety  
  • Addition of language allowing probationary employees to grieve termination 
  • Revamp of harassment/discrimination language 
  • Revamp of problematic/lengthy hours of work language 

A detailed comparison of current and new agreement language is attached below.  

The ratification vote will occur on November 5 from 1:30 - 4:30 P.M. with the location to be confirmed and shared shortly. Beginning at 1:30 P.M., we will be available to share information and a Q&A for those that are interested. Alternatively, you can just drop by to vote. 

Your negotiating team thanks you for your support and solidarity throughout the bargaining process – this truly would not have been possible without you. As always, please reach out to your negotiating team members with any questions.  


Melvin Griffith or 780-812-7165 

Leanne Draper or 780-815-0670 

Dave Roguski or 780-545-7277 


Kate Robinson Negotiations 

Kavi Chahal Communications 

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