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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

CBI Home Health: Employer monetary proposal expected in February

Bargaining Update for CBI Home Health Local 047 Chapter 008

Feb 10, 2023

Find out how to get involved to strengthen our solidarity

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Your negotiating team met with CBI on November 8 and 9, 2022 and January 17 and 26, 2023 after a long pause. CBI cancelled scheduled bargaining last September and October, because they had not received any details from Alberta Health Services about expanded funding. 

However, your committee used that time to call on the government to ensure that home care funding goes toward providing quality care for clients and fair working conditions and compensation for workers. For example, we met with the opposition Labour and Health Critics in October and issued a media release in November

At our recent bargaining meetings, we were able to conclude all the non-monetary portions of bargaining. See the attachment below for information about agreed to changes so far. 

Despite ongoing delays regarding government home care funding, CBI committed to providing a revised monetary offer at our February bargaining dates (February 17 and 23, and further dates are booked for March 16 and 17). 

Last June, we let CBI know that their first monetary proposal was completely unacceptable, especially since it has no improvements for the new members (formerly with WeCare), and only minor improvements for everyone else. 

We will be sure to keep you posted throughout the bargaining process, but, in the meantime, there are many things that members can do to make sure your rights are respected and to strengthen our solidarity: 

1. Help with a phone bank on Friday, March 10 at AUPE Headquarters in west Edmonton. AUPE will cover your salary for that day and pay expenses (childcare, mileage, food etc.) for you to attend. We need as many people as possible to call every single member in advance of our Annual General Meeting (AGM). Contact a member of the bargaining committee asap if you are interested in helping out! 

2. Mark your calendar to attend the Chapter AGM on Thursday, March 30th at 7:30 P.M. Stay tuned for more details! Ask your committee members about the various union positions we will be filling through elections at this meeting and consider putting yourself forward. No experience is required, but it’s a great learning opportunity. (Even if you can’t attend the meeting, you can let your name stand by getting in touch in advance).  

3. Make sure your contact information with AUPE is up to date. Fill in this form, get in touch with your bargaining committee or call the AUPE Member Resource Centre (1-800-232-7284) to provide your personal email, phone number and mailing address. 

4. Read your current collective agreement and attend the monthly Question and Answer sessions (last Thursday of each month at 7:30 P.M. on Zoom). The next session will be Thursday, Feb. 23rd. 

5. Contact your Membership Services Officer Cindy Troake ( or 1-800-232-7284) with any concerns related to your work. For example, please let Cindy know if you are seeking more hours. CBI also let us know that you can contact Natalia Osborne directly if you want more hours ( but be sure to keep Cindy in the loop as well so we can keep track of how many people are bringing these kinds of concerns forward. 

6. If you have health and safety concerns, you can also report them here, and lodge employees can report when they are working short using this form. For more information about AUPE’s working short campaign, please click here



Tina Laforce Chair or 587-335-2292 

Susan Kyle or 780-984-8355 

Bobbie Narayan or 587-501-2071 


Jean Lehune or 780-221-4080 

Rachel Daroka or 780-893-1772 


Merryn Edwards Negotiations or 780-952-1951 

Tracy Noble Organizing or 306-304-2859 

Kavi Chahal Communications 

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  • Bargaining updates

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