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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Boycott Co-Op: Support for Refinery Workers Still Needed

AUPE members encouraged to shop elsewhere to support Unifor members

Jun 09, 2020

Support refinery workers! Boycott co-op!
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Boycott Co-Op: Support for Refinery Workers Still Needed
AUPE members encouraged to shop elsewhere to support Unifor members

The 800 locked out members of Unifor Local 594 are still on the picket line, and have called for a nation wide boycott of all businesses and services of the Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL).

AUPE’s Committee On Political Action (COPA) is inviting all AUPE members to support Co-Op refinery workers who are facing a seventh month on the lockout line.
The lockout began in December, 2019 over the employer demanding massive pension concessions, despite the refinery bringing in over $3 million per day in revenue!

The employer built a camp to house the scabs (replacement workers), and has worked to have union members arrested for picketing rather than seek a respectful agreement and an end to the lengthy dispute.

The workers have endured threats to bomb their picket line, one-sided policing, an employer willing to reject the mediators recommendations for a settlement, and an indifferent government.
“AUPE members successfully defended their pensions against proposed cuts by the Redford Government in 2013-2014. We can relate to the struggle of the Regina refinery workers,” says COPA Chair Mike Dempsey. “Cutting their pension would further a race to the bottom, making it harder for the rest of us to win decent pensions or defend the ones we have. The refinery isn't going broke and these cuts aren't necessary."

"Tens of thousands of AUPE members will be fighting to protect their pensions when negotiations resume with Alberta Health Services and the Government of Alberta. We may need to call on the solidarity of other workers if our own employers try heavy handed tactics like Co-Op is in Regina.”

AUPE members can learn more about how to support the boycott at


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