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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Be Aware and Get Prepared, GOA Members!

Join your negotiations townhalls this month to build strength and solidarity

Apr 01, 2021

Mark your calendars for April 17 and 21, says President

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Negotiations with your employer, the Government of Alberta, have reached a critical stage, which means you need to prepare and organize on the ground in the places you know best: your departments, worksites, buildings, towns and cities.
This is where every single one of you comes in. Your greatest strength is each other, and only you can forge the connections you need to build momentum and organize against a boss that refuses to recognize your worth. 
But first we have to talk next steps. Join AUPE’s upcoming April GOA Negotiations Townhalls: Be Aware. Get Prepared. We’ll be hosting three different sessions via Zoom, where you can get updates from our panelists (listed below), and ask me, your President, and our other experts questions.
Townhall Sessions
Saturday, April 17
11:00 am –12:30 pm
Wednesday, April 21
Noon - 1:30 pm  
7:00 pm - 8:30pm
Your Panelists

  • AUPE Vice-President Susan Slade, moderator
  • AUPE President Guy Smith
  • AUPE Executive Director Carl Soderstrom
  • AUPE Negotiator Dale Perry
  • AUPE ESA Negotiator Justine Hetsler
  • AUPE Organizer Madelaine Sommers 
  • Your elected Government Services Bargaining Committee (GSBC) 

It’s critical you join your fellow workers in this event. These townhalls will ensure you’re a part of a movement that’s sweeping our entire union as members across sectors unite to support your table. 
As members of the GOA, you’re forging the path forward for all of AUPE and determining the future of Alberta’s public services. Take the first step by protecting your jobs, your pay, your benefits and working conditions, then go the extra mile to protect your whole communities. Mark your calendars and join one of three negotiations townhalls this month to find how you can do this together. 
We’ll have more details available soon, so please keep checking your emails and AUPE’s Facebook page to stay up to date. 
Be aware, get prepared!
In solidarity,
Guy Smith
AUPE President


News Category

  • Member update


  • Government Services

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