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Bargaining Update: Medicine Hat College

As bargaining commences, your negotiating team remains positive 

May 27, 2021

As bargaining commences, your negotiating team remains positive 

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Your negotiating team exchanged in-going proposals with Medicine Hat College (MHC) on May 10, 2021. 
We went in to bargaining with a positive attitude and a solutions-based approach. We have a well-established, positive relationship with the Employer and want to maintain it, despite anticipating a difficult round of negotiations due to conditions imposed upon MHC by the provincial government.
Our in-going proposal was developed from your answers to the bargaining survey and with the assistance of your Membership Services Officer and Negotiator.

Your negotiating team tabled the following proposals:   

· Workload Review - we want a mechanism to resolve what you told us were often overwhelming workloads
· Working Remotely - we seek language that enables members who can work from home to do so
. Employment Security - we want no layoffs or position abolishments for the life of the collective agreement
The following articles were not opened by either AUPE or MHC and will remain as currently written:
Article 3 – Application of Agreement 
Article 4 – Employer Union Relations
Article 5 – Management Rights
Article 6 – Dues Check-Off
Article 12 – Call Back Pay Guarantee 
Article 13 – Reporting Pay
Article 14 – Time Off for Union Business 
Article 15 – Illness Leave 
Article 18 – Court Leave 
Article 20 - Grievance and Adjudication
Article 21 - Disciplinary Action
Article 23 - Paid Holidays
Article 28 - Workers' Compensation Supplement
Article 29 - Protection of Personal Garments
Article 30 - New or Altered Job Classifications
Article 31 - Acting Incumbency
Article 32 - Discrimination and Harassment
Article 34 - Delivery Notice
Article 36 - Joint Consultation
Although both your negotiating team and the Employer’s reserved tabling monetary proposals until a later date, we know that MHC has been directed by the provincial government to slash your wages. Your negotiating team is well aware of the employer proposals tabled at other post-secondary institutions seeking rollbacks to wages and benefits retroactive to 2020. We will remain focused on getting you the best agreement possible.
We will update you on our progress following each meeting with the employer. If you have any questions related to the bargaining, please contact a member of your negotiating team.
Remember, as negotiations proceed, your collective agreement remains in force. If you have any problems at work, please reach out to a worksite steward or contact the Member Resource Centre at 1-800-232-7284 to be connected with your Member Services Officer. 
Medicine Hat College Negotiating Team

Lana West –
Dean Studer –
Misty Parker –
AUPE Resource Staff
Christian Tetreault, Negotiations -
Darcy Thiessen, Organizing -
Terry Inigo-Jones, Communications -

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  • Bargaining updates


  • 071 - Colleges and School Divisions


  • Education

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