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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Bargaining Update: Government Services Bargaining Committee

Heading to informal mediation, bargaining committee reviewing ESA

Jun 18, 2021

Heading to informal mediation, bargaining committee reviewing ESA

Flow chart explaining the bargaining process and the ESA process
GSBC Bargaining/ESA process

As reported in our last Bargaining Update, your Government Services Bargaining Committee (GSBC) and the employer (Government of Alberta – GOA) were unable to reach agreement on a number of outstanding issues, including wages. A list of outstanding items can be found in that update.

We have jointly applied to the Alberta Labour Relations Board to appoint an independent mediator, so we can schedule informal mediation over the summer months with the aim to conclude negotiations towards a collective bargaining agreement.

Should we be unsuccessful in reaching a settlement or are not satisfied with the direction we are going through the informal mediation process, we maintain the option to seek further assistance through formal mediation.

Your bargaining committee is meeting next week to begin the process of reviewing the draft Essential Services Agreement (ESA). Under the framework set out in legislation, once that agreement is approved by both parties, applying for formal mediation becomes a legal option for both parties.

As reported in our February Bargaining Update, an Unfair Labour Practice Complaint (ULP) was filed with the Alberta Labour Relations Board (LRB) against the Employer earlier this year. A hearing on that complaint is scheduled for July 14 - 16.

Remember, as negotiations proceed, your collective agreement remains in force. If you have any problems at work, please reach out to a worksite steward or contact the Member Resource Centre at 1-800-232-7284 to be connected with your Member Services Officer (MSO).

If you have any questions related to bargaining, please contact your representative on your negotiating team.

Your Government Services Bargaining Committee (GSBC)

Rebecca Leblanc, (GSBC Vice-chair), Local 001,
Andrea Waywanko, Local 002,
Dax Lydiard, Local 003,
Steve Eagles, Local 004,
Randy Ramsden, Local 005,
Tom Grinnell, Local 006,
Angela Pala, Local 009,
Bryan Poll, Local 012,
Terrie Wispinski, Local 012,

AUPE staff resources

Dale Perry, negotiations spokesperson,
Merryn Edwards, negotiations spokesperson,
Marianne Lenabat, organizer,
Madelaine Sommers, organizer,
Terry Inigo-Jones, communications,
Mimi Williams, communications,



News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • 001 - Administrative and Support Services
  • 002 - Administrative and Program Services
  • 003 - Correctional and Regulatory Services
  • 004 - Trades and Related Services
  • 005 - Natural Resources Conservation
  • 006 - Social Services
  • 009 - Health and Support Services
  • 012 - Technical and Field Services


  • Government Services

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