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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Bargaining update: Emcon 118/024, 025, 026 & 027

AUPE prepares to file bargaining in bad faith complaint

Aug 20, 2020

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Our negotiations team was met with empty threats and insulting offers from the employer when we returned to the bargaining table last week.

It’s been close to five months since we last met, but Emcon is just as disrespectful towards their Alberta crews as ever. On Aug. 11, 12 and 14 the company offered a measly 0.92 per cent monetary increase, inclusive of all your monetary needs (in other words, spread across the allowances you get for boots, safety equipment and more).

Even if this increase just covered your wages, it would not be enough to properly compensate you for the crucial work you do. We rejected the employer’s proposal. 

Following this, an Emcon representative tried to concession bargain with us. He said the 0.92 per cent all-inclusive monetary offer was non-negotiable, but if we accepted, the employer would cover:

  • 60% of the cost of one pair of boots every two years up (to a maximum of $100)
  • 60% of the cost of a pair of coveralls every 24 months (if purchased through the company supplier)
  • 60% of the cost if employees purchase from another supplier up to a maximum of $80. 

We made it clear the work you do is worth more than small perks. We rejected this second offer. 

Furthermore – and Emcon knows this – we need to see their financial information before we can come to a fair agreement on any monetary items. We’ve now requested a copy of this information multiple times, but the employer refuses to share their audited statements with us. For this reason we are preparing to file an unfair bargaining practice complaint against Emcon at the Alberta Labour Relations Board (ALRB). While it’s our persistence and pushback on the ground that will win us a quality collective agreement, we need to use all the tools available to hold Emcon accountable.

This became very clear on the last day of bargaining (Aug. 14) when we returned to the table, and the company threatened to end its contract extensions with the Alberta government, which would result in mass layoffs among staff. Emcon’s argument is that the company cannot afford our team’s proposals, which is hard to believe since they pay and treat their crews in B.C. and Ontario far better. Their argument is also hypocritical given a Facebook post Emcon made on Aug. 3, slamming the BC government for only providing pandemic pay to public-sector healthcare staff and to not private-sector employees, thereby widening the wage gap between working people. 

Emcon is not in the position to be criticizing employers while failing to acknowledge their own string of bad behavior, which our MSO Berend Wilting is working hard to address, including:

  • Violating the Health Information and Privacy Act by seeking medical information they are NOT entitled to
  • Using layoff as a disciplinary measure
  • failing to follow their obligations in the collective agreement with respect to performance and discipline;

While the employer made it impossible to gain headway in these last few days of bargaining, this is not the end of the road, and we’re going to keep pushing forward. We’re stronger when we work together, and when we fight we win. Our next round of bargaining is scheduled for Sept. 8 – 11.

Brad Guhle or 780-678-4044
Bernie Quinn or 780-207-0597
Brent Wilson
Leighton Wessel

Jason Rattray Negotiator,
Dave Malka Organizer, or 780-231-1800
Celia Shea Communications, or 780-720-8122

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  • Bargaining updates

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