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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Bargaining Update: Covenant Health Nursing Care

Bargaining begins for CH NC members in Locals 040/001, 002, 004-010 and 46/005, 006, 007

Mar 02, 2020

Bargaining Begins - Employer Tables Rollbacks

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Your negotiating team met with the employer on February 27 and 28 to begin bargaining for a new collective agreement.

We submitted a full package of proposals emphasizing job security and work-life balance, issues you identified as top priorities with your bargaining survey results.

The employer also submitted a full package. Unfortunately, they are proposing huge rollbacks and concessions showing just how little they value Covenant Health Nursing Care workers.

There is a distinct difference between how the employer is treating us today compared to the last two rounds of bargaining. We are disappointed to see Covenant Health tow this disrespectful line set out by the Government of Alberta and Alberta Health Services.

Employer Tables Rollbacks

We proposed a two year deal with 2.5% wage adjustments each year to keep up with rising costs of living.

The employer tabled a four-year contract with zero per cent wage adjustments for all four years.
They want to take away super-stats and floater days. They want to cut your Flexible Spending Accounts from $1,100 to $850. Some members are even being asked for up to 20% in salary rollbacks.

Shift Differentials and Premiums

Worse, the employer wants to cut your shift differentials and premiums. While UNA is being offered evening premiums from $2.75 to $2.11, night premiums from $5 to $3.10, and weekend premiums from $3.25 to $2.55 per hour, here’s what Covenant Health is proposing to us:

  • Evening shift differential cut from $2.75 to $1.86 per hour;
  • Night shift differential cut from $5 to $2.85 per hour;
  • Weekend premium cut from $3.25 to $2.34 per hour;
  • Changing the starting hour for the evening shift differential from 1500 hours to 1900 hours;
  • Cutting the window for weekend premiums from 64 hours to 48 hours, including changing the start time from 1500 hours on Fridays to 0000 hours on Saturdays.

Differentials are paid to compensate us for lost family time. Most children return home from school at about 1500 hours, so that’s when differentials for lost family time should begin. These rollbacks would take differential rates back to what they were over a decade ago and would deny us the compensation we deserve for lost family time.

By tabling these proposals and more, Covenant Health has shown it has no respect for the work we do.
But we will not take concessions. We will not accept rollbacks. We will keep fighting for a fair deal that reflects our worth and the role we play in delivering quality health care to all Albertans.

Next Meeting Dates

Our next meeting dates are scheduled for March 23 and 24. Your team is dedicated to working for you at the bargaining table and we will share more updates with you as bargaining continues.
Update your contact information at so you never miss a bargaining update or other union news.

Be strong, support each other, and share this information with your Covenant Health NC colleagues. Health care workers across the province are under attack, and we have to stick together if we want to persevere. Please contact a member of your negotiating team or AUPE resource staff if you have any questions.

Negotiating Team

Local 040
Kathy Bandmann,
Ambrisia Dyson,
Beverly Hill,

Local 046
Mary Watson,
Laura Johnstone,
Derrek Luu (A),

AUPE Resource Staff
Chris Dickson, Negotiator -
Farid Iskandar, Organizer -
Kate Jacobson, Organizer -
Alexander Delorme, Communications -


News Category

  • Bargaining updates

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