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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Bargaining Update: AHS GSS

*Bargaining continues* Your bargaining committee met with the employer Feb.

Feb 08, 2018

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Bargaining continues

Your bargaining committee met with the employer Feb. 5, 6 and 7 in Edmonton to continue negotiating your next collective agreement.

Bargaining started off difficult, but your committee’s active approach with the employer resulted in agreement on a few important articles and Letters of Understanding (LOU), including a new pilot LOU that will see additional hours given to part-time employees on a seniority basis at five separate worksites across the province. Those worksites have not yet been chosen.

Signed off articles:

Article 6: No discrimination/no harassment – improvement to 90-day time frame and link to employer policy

Article 20: Hours of work (current language)

Signed off LOUs:

LOU 10: Distribution of hours (current language)

LOU 17: Supplemental 1: Flexible work schedule

Note: Current language means the article/LOU will stay as it is written in your current collective agreement.

While progress was made on the above, there has still been little movement from the employer on important items like job security, no contracting out language, workload and wages, which they have tabled at zero per cent for each year for two years.

We’re hopeful, given the progress made at the end of this round of bargaining, that we will see some movement from the employer on these items during our next meetings, scheduled for March 20, 21 and 22.

Please do not hesitate to contact a member of your committee with any questions, comments or concerns you may have.


Local 054

Nancy Woods ""

Charity Hill ""

Local 056

Lynne Jones ""

Lauren White ""

Local 057

Darren Graham ""

Ray Tweedle ""

Local 058

Karl Clauss ""

David Ibach ""

Local 095

Stacey Ross ""

Dusan Milutinovic ""

AUPE Resource Staff

Chris Dickson Lead Negotiator

1-800-232-7284 or ""

Mac McNaughton Negotiator

1-800-232-7284 or ""

Julie Jacques Organizer

1-800-232-7284 or ""

Farris Sobhani Organizer

1-800-232-7284 or ""

Tyler Bedford Communications

1-800-232-7284 or ""

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