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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

BARGAINING UPDATE: AgeCare Walden Heights, 048/031, Nursing Care

For-profit company shortchanges staff during pandemic

Oct 14, 2020

Bargaining Continues

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Your negotiations team was not impressed with AgeCare after we met with them to continue bargaining virtually on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1.

Despite operating a for-profit care home, the company refuses to accept our proposed monetary proposals, even after we whittled them down to the fifteen most important items. These offers are based on the bargaining surveys you submitted before negotiations started. Each of these items is important to you, and it reflects exactly what you need to keep putting resident care first: better compensation.

You can only build a better home for Alberta seniors if you’re able to keep a roof over your own families’ heads. We’ve explained this to the employer, but they say the company cannot afford our proposals. This is a lie because they’ve accepted the same improvements at other AgeCare sites in the province.

As it stands, our LPNs and HCAs are making below the median wage of similar nursing care workers in comparable, Alberta health-care facilities. You deserve better – especially during these challenging times.

We are however pleased that AgeCare has accepted most of our non-monetary items. Only a few remain outstanding, including a “time off in leu” article, but we plan on addressing this at our next meeting on Nov. 12 and 13.

Thank you for continuing to stand with each other, your communities and your negotiations team. We know your worth and we’re going to make sure the employer does too.


Lisa Dray 403-554-8714 or

Amahbel Dulce 403-400-4021 or

Maggie Seguin 403-984-7485


Kristin Paat 403-888-9231 or



Christian Tetreault, Negotiator

Madelaine Sommers, Organizer or 403-606-8774

Celia Shea, Communications or 780-720-8122

News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • Health care

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