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Bargaining Survey for Covenant Health Nursing Care members

Are you an AUPE member in Covenant Health Nursing Care? This is your last chance to tell your negotiating team how you want to improve your contract.

Feb 11, 2020

Take your AUPE bargaining survey!

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Covenant Health Nursing Care members are about to enter one of the most challenging rounds of bargaining we’ve ever seen.

Before bargaining begins, it is important that your negotiating team hears your priorities and perspective on how to improve your collective agreement.

The bargaining survey has been sent to the email address you provided to AUPE.

If you didn’t receive the survey, please call the AUPE Member Resource Centre at 1-800-232-7284 from Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. The resource centre can provide Covenant Health NC members with the survey and ensure you receive bargaining updates in the future.

Don’t wait! The survey closes on Thursday, February 20 at 3:00 p.m.

Your feedback is important. This is your opportunity to use your voice and help your team fight for a better contract at the bargaining table.

Please contact a member of your negotiating team or AUPE resource staff if you have any questions.

Negotiating Team

Local 040
Kathy Bandmannkbandmann@hotmail.com
Ambrosia Dyson, amberbalog@gmail.com
Bevery Hillbhill3095@gmail.com

Local 046
Mary Watsonmaynayvatson@hotmail.com
Laura Johnstone, johnstone_laura@hotmail.com
Derrek Luu (A), derrekluu@yahoo.ca

AUPE Resource Staff

Chris Dickson, Negotiator - c.dickson@aupe.org
Farid Iskandar, Organizer - f.iskandar@aupe.org
Kate Jacobson, Organizer - k.jacobson@aupe.org
Alexander Delorme, Communications - a.delorme@aupe.org

News Category

  • Bargaining updates

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