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Bargaining at Impasse: Next step is preparing for arbitration

Update for Local 047 Chapter 061, Revera Our Parents' Home

Dec 15, 2022

Getting a fair contract will depend on member mobilization

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Negotiations with Revera started in January and ended in April, but we now know that we will have a collective agreement following an arbitration next April.

Bargaining was very challenging and did not get very far. For example, AUPE had to file a complaint with the labour board just to make sure our negotiating team members were properly paid for their time in negotiations. We also have a second complaint pending regarding the employer’s reversal on a commitment to honor past service with Christensen for the purposes of determining vacation accruals.

We had only just started monetary negotiations last April when Revera’s spokesperson advised us he was leaving the company and still has not been replaced.

Click here for past bargaining updates:

Nevertheless, it was clear from the beginning of talking about compensation last spring that the employer had no interest in making significant improvements to pay, shift differentials, sick leave, benefits and other monetary areas.

The employer eventually agreed that we would meet again with the assistance of a mediator, but we later mutually agreed to move directly to arbitration since it would help us get a collective agreement more quickly. An arbitrator will listen to both sides, and then make a final and binding decision. One of the important factors that an arbitrator will consider is the determination that the members show to reach a fair agreement.

That is why it is so essential that all members take part in upcoming union activities. Please ensure that your contact information with AUPE is updated and that you keep in contact with your negotiating team through your designated shift/floor contacts. Also, consider taking on a union role at our Annual General Meeting. No experience is required, and you will be supported to learn new skills.

Don’t forget: your AGM is January 23. We’ll be in touch with more details shortly, but for now save that date!

Also, remember that you have the right to union representation for any workplace questions or concerns you may have.

Your Membership Services Officer (MSO) is Guy Quenneville. You can email him at, or you can call AUPE’s Member Resource Center at 1-800-232-7284 between 8:30 and 4:30 on weekdays.

For more information or to get involved, contact your negotiating team or AUPE resource staff:

AUPE negotiating team - Revera Our Parents’ Home
Zeus Ng - cell 780-710-1539

Jennifer To - cell 780-709-3812

Renalene Zarate - cell 587-873-3824

AUPE Resource Staff
Merryn Edwards, Negotiations - 780-952-1951 

Michelle Szalynski, Organizing - 403-634-8262

Guy Quenneville, Membership Services Officer - 780-237-8253 


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