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AUPE welcomes new members

Workers in Edmonton seniors’ residence join Alberta’s largest union

Nov 26, 2020

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Edmonton – The Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE) welcomes Nursing Care and General Support Services members at McConachie Gardens Retirement Residence into the province’s largest union.

“These new members wanted a stronger voice at their worksite to help protect themselves and the residents that they deeply care for,” says AUPE Vice-President Susan Slade. “They saw the benefits that their co-workers at nine other Revera sites were receiving for being part of AUPE and were seeking similar ones. Now, with the numbers of Alberta’s largest union behind them, these new members have the power to fight back and get the accountability and benefits they deserve.”

Approximately 80 healthcare workers at McConachie Gardens Retirement Residence in Edmonton took part in the Alberta Labour Relations Board (ALRB) ​ordered mail in vote. The ALRB granted certification in November. 

“These healthcare heroes play a vital role in our communities, especially during a pandemic, by providing top notch care and support for some of our most important Albertans, our seniors,” says Slade. “The residents are the living history of our province, and workers in continuing seniors care facilities know that private for-profit employers often make decisions based on their bottom lines, rather than on the care for these notable Albertans. We look forward to working with all of these Nursing Care and General Support Services members to successfully negotiate their first collective agreement.”

AUPE represents over 90,000 workers across the province, over half of whom work in health care for public, not-for-profit, and private, for-profit employers.


Susan Slade is available for comment. For more information, contact Wayne Arthurson, Communications Officer, 780-432-1460.

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  • Media release


  • Health care