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AUPE stands with wildcat strikers

As AHS bullies brave workers, your union has your back

Oct 28, 2020

Union representatives are taking all steps necessary to protect you

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In a single day, you and your coworkers – some of the lowest paid and least protected staff on the front-lines of Alberta’s medical system – took a heroic stand against some of the biggest bullies Alberta has ever faced. 

In a single day, you drew national attention to the privatization ploy of the UCP cabinet, who are threatening public care by pawning off general support services (GSS) to profiteering job- killers.And in a single day, you showed your neighbours what collective strength achieves – how it pulls whole communities together.

A lot can happen in a single day, but we know the fight to save healthcare and preserve Alberta’s most critical public services isn’t going to be a fast fight, but a long-haul battle. Your union stands with you in this battle, no matter what form it takes. And we’re standing with the members who braved the ridicule and threats from AHS when you staged the wildcats on Monday (Oct. 26).

Thousands of you – housekeepers, laundry workers, food services staff, environmental services employees, LPNs and HCAs – took to the streets in close to 39 towns and cities –that’s 49 worksites!  And no matter where they were, Albertans across the province saw you and were inspired by your bravery. On call-in shows, social media posts, and at lunch rooms, bus stops, and everywhere, Albertans were talking about you, applauding you and saying, “Solidarity with all Alberta healthcare workers!”

AHS retaliates

AUPE is not surprised that your employer, Alberta Health Services (AHS), is scared of your bravery and scared by the support Albertans are showing frontline workers. Right when the UCP has been trying to bully and belittle GSS and Nursing Care workers, you stood tall and fought back.

Right now, AHS is publicly trying to intimidate you and saying it will pursue disciplinary action against individual members who participated in Monday’s wildcats. 

Remember: AUPE is your shield, and your union representatives are taking all steps necessary to protect you from these disturbing retaliations. If the boss calls you into the office or managers and supervisors target you, call your Membership Services Officer (MSO) at 1-800-232-7284. You have a right to union representation, and it’s crucial now more than ever you use it.

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