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AUPE mourns the loss of AUPE activist Brent Wilson

The former Chapter Chair at Emcon will be missed by many

Jan 07, 2021

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Brent Wilson     Brent Wilson

We are deeply saddened to share the news of another death in the AUPE family. Passionate union activist, long-time Emcon member and former Chapter Chair Brent Wilson passed away yesterday, January 7, after suffering a heart attack at the end of his shift.

Brent was an engaged and dedicated member of the Drumheller community who was deeply committed to the health and safety of his coworkers. He will be missed by all who knew and loved him.

Brent worked tirelessly in all seasons and weather conditions, maintaining the provinces primary highways with his coworkers to ensure Alberta drivers got home safely.

He was also a proud AUPE Steward who took his work seriously and amplified his fellow members voices at the Emcon bargaining table. But his involvement in AUPE spans about five years, going back to the Carillion days, before Emcon acquired the province’s highway maintenance contracts.

Fellow Emcon member and 118/027 acting Chapter Chair Jason Fandrich says that Brent went above and beyond, working to support his co-workers in the union: “He was always willing to talk when people had problems. He will truly be missed by many.”

From the entire AUPE family to everyone – friends, family and neighbours –mourning the loss of Brent, we want to share our deepest condolences and sympathies. Brent was an amazing person who will be deeply missed.

If you or anyone you know is grieving the loss of a co-worker or suffering extreme anxiety and stress at work at this time, you’re not in this alone. The AUPE Crisis Support Service line is open 24/7 and can be reached at 1-844-744-7026.

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