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AUPE Human Rights Committee Statement: Solidarity with Palestinians

The AUPE Human Rights Committee has issued this statement of solidarity for Palestinians.

May 19, 2021

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Historically, workers and unions such as AUPE have played an important role in speaking against injustice and supporting marginalized peoples in Alberta and throughout the world. 

In 1919, thousands of Alberta workers joined the Canada-wide Great Labour Revolt with two general strikes in Edmonton and Calgary. In 2020, AUPE Executive gave unconditional support to the Black Lives Matter movement for meaningful solidarity and action against anti-Black racism in our communities, workplaces, and society. AUPE is no stranger to fighting oppression and supporting human rights whenever and wherever they are threatened in the world. 

With this in mind, AUPE stands in solidarity with Palestinians seeking their human rights. AUPE condemns the illegal dispossession of the homes of Palestinian families, the attack on Al-Aqsa mosque during Ramadan, and airstrikes launched in the Gaza Strip, which have killed over 214 Palestinians, including 58 children.  

When those in power use propaganda and the military might of the state to dehumanize and murder members of marginalized groups, democratic organizations such AUPE cannot remain silent, and must condemn them. AUPE supports the human rights of Palestinians and all people simply trying to live their lives, raise their children without the threat of violence, and their struggle against state-sanctioned apartheid and settler-colonialism.

In Solidarity; from the AUPE Human Rights Committee

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