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AUPE buildings to reopen effective Monday, June 20, 2022

All AUPE buildings will be available for meetings of AUPE components (Locals, Chapters and Area Councils) as of Monday June 20, 2022.

May 16, 2022

A message from your AUPE Executive Committee

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All AUPE buildings will be available for meetings of AUPE components (Locals, Chapters and Area Councils) as of Monday June 20, 2022.
Components accessing the new Headquarters (HQ) building need to be aware that work is still being done to move out of the old HQ. As such, members also need to be aware that technical support (e.g. for I.T. issues etc) and maintenance services (e.g. for room set up, cleaning etc) will not be available for meetings until further notice at the new HQ.
Any AUPE component chairpersons wanting to use meeting space in AUPE buildings need to pre-book, based on availability, by contacting the administrative professional assigned to do bookings for each building.
Chairpersons are also requested to inform the AUPE vice-president assigned to their component when they are booking meetings at AUPE buildings, so that the vice-president can offer any support or assistance that might be required.
AUPE staff will also be re-entering the office buildings as of June 20 in a staggered re-entry eventually moving to full occupancy.
Obviously, the past two years have been extremely challenging for us all as members and for our staff. We have not been able to function in a way that best enhances our strength, solidarity and the important relationships we have as AUPE members.
We want to thank you for your patience and understanding as we all worked hard to navigate through the tumultuous times, while endeavouring to uphold the priority of member health and safety.
We eagerly look forward to reconnecting with each other and working hard to refocus, rebuild and re-energize while continuing to take on the serious challenges our union is confronted with.
In Solidarity,
The Executive Committee

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