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All of Local 005 are united in supporting fight for fair wages

Last Member Update caused confusion and uncertainty

Oct 21, 2020

Last Member Update caused confusion and uncertainty

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The Oct.16 Member Update for Local 005 caused some confusion and uncertainty among members.

We are sorry for that. The intent of the update was to show that the way the Alberta government was setting up the Rural Alberta Provincial Integrated Defence (RAPID) Force could have negative consequences for the Fish and Wildlife Officers who will become part of that force, but that it could also have trickle-down effects on Conservation Officers.

This creation of the RAPID Force will affect 119 Fish and Wildlife officers. Participation will be mandatory.

Fish and Wildlife members have been told by email, although not officially yet in writing, that their application for reclassification was being rejected and that there would be no increase in pay to reflect the extra, work, training and risk involved in being ordered to respond to police emergencies.

This was confirmed in a letter submitted to AUPE’s Government Services Bargaining Committee (GSBC) on Oct. 19: “As announced to employees on October 2, 2020, a classification review was completed and as a result, it was determined that the additional RAPID Force duties do not substantively change the knowledge, problem-solving or responsibility (as described under the Government’s Point Rating Evaluation Plan) required to perform the main job functions. Therefore, there would be no change to the classifications of the job descriptions that were submitted for RAPID.”

The failure to increase pay breaks a promise made to Fish and Wildlife members in November 2019.

Conservation Officers have not been contacted by the employer to say they will be expected to fill in for Fish and Wildlife officers called to respond to police emergencies.

The Oct. 16 Member Update was not requested by Conservation Officers. It was intended to warn of possible consequences later. AUPE has seen this before when members, including Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) and Health-Care Aides (HCAs), have seen their scope of duties increased without reward by their employers.

AUPE and all of Local 005 are focused in supporting Fish and Wildlife members in this fight.


News Category

  • Member update


  • 005 - Natural Resources Conservation


  • Government Services

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