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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Albertans call on MLA Barnes to apologize to front line heroes

AUPE says adding more pain to Alberta’s workforce helps nobody

May 12, 2020

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EDMONTON – AUPE members are calling on Cypress-Medicine Hat UCP MLA Drew Barnes to apologize for suggesting outlandish twenty percent pay cuts for public sector workers.

“At a time when workers are exposing themselves and their families to possible infections, it’s outrageous to see a member of the government caucus float a trial balloon suggesting workers should take a twenty percent pay cut,” says Alberta Union of Provincial Employees Vice-President Karen Weiers. “When provinces like Ontario and Quebec have been providing raises to staff to recognize their work, Barnes seems to want to do the opposite.”

Barnes took to twitter the afternoon of May 12 to tweet federal policy proposals from Philip Cross that would put front line workers in the cross hairs for a “permanent 20% reduction of public service pay”.

“We’re calling on Drew Barnes to reject hurtful cuts and apologize to the front line workers he has devalued,” added Weiers. “Instead of twitter trial balloons, we need this government coming to the table with unions like AUPE to talk about how we can better support our front line heroes.”

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AUPE Vice-President Karen Weiers is available for interviews.

For more information, contact Trevor Zimmerman, Communications, 780-919-9975


Here's what MLA Barnes tweeted

Drew Barnes tweet 1 05122020
Drew Barnes tweet 2 05122020

This is what the article Barnes shared says

Financial Post article 05122020

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