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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Agenda of the Young Activist's Committee Meeting

January 25th, 2018 Ramada Inn, Olds

Mar 13, 2018

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January 25th, 2018 Ramada Inn, Olds

The meeting called to order at 9:00 AM

ROLL CALL Susan Slade, Simon Sia, Mitchell Grant, Hailee Bilokraly, Marcia Kwiatkowski, Laurel Phillips, Brittany Schepp

With regrets: Jocelyn Lessoway – Maryan Khalif (no response)

Staff Advisor: Julie Jacques Staff Secretary: Charlene Peterson



(1) MOTION: To adopt the Agenda.

Properly moved and seconded.


M – Laurel

S – Mitchell

Additions: Simon – Student clubs

MSC Minutes of the December 15, 2017 meeting.

News Category

  • Union updates


  • Young activists committee

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