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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Spotlight on Finance

From Executive Secretary-Treasurer Jason Heistad

Dec 22, 2020

2021: The Transition to Virtual AGMs and Elections

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I would like to take the time to wish all of our AUPE members and staff happy holidays.   
During our last Provincial Executive Board meeting on December 4, we had an extensive discussion whether or not to hold in-person annual general meetings (AGMs), or to move forward to virtual (online) AGMs for all Chapter, Local, and Area Council elections. 
Following this lengthy discussion, your Provincial Executive has decided use a virtual process for all 2021 elections. Currently, we’re working with various vendors to find the best solutions for all the executive, staff, and elected leaders within the AUPE family. 
We’re fully aware of the scope of this project and intend to make this transformation as seamless as possible. AUPE is not the only union or organization using virtual platforms to conduct this major shift from traditional ways of electing its leaders. I want to assure all members that we’ll get through this transition collectively and successfully, and I look forward to communicating with all Chapter, Local, and Area Council leaders throughout every stage of implementing virtual elections. 
As we close 2020 during very difficult circumstances for most, please be kind to your co-workers and lend an ear if you know or see someone struggling during this pandemic.  If you are having difficulty and you need to talk to someone right away, please use AUPE’s workplace counselling service. (You can also recommend it to a co-worker who needs it.) This program provides counselling during the pandemic, and financial advice if needed. 
Again, my best wishes to all of you and your families for this holiday season. 

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