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Members in action: AUPE members are seeing red – and wearing it, too

AUPE members in all sectors of the union are wearing red to support their negotiating teams.

Feb 29, 2024

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By Terry Inigo-Jones, Communications Staff

What colour is solidarity?

Red. Any shade of red will do.

AUPE members are wearing red to work to show support for their negotiating teams and each other.

While this action is symbolic, it is also powerful. The more members who wear red, the stronger the message we send our employers. We are strong, determined, and willing to fight for the demands we make at the bargaining table.

The AHS GSS negotiating team wears red during their bargaining meetings.
The AHS General Support Services negotiating team wore red for their first bargaining meetings of 2024.

AUPE members are mad – mad about the lack of respect from our employers, about wages falling behind rampant rates of inflation, about working short-staffed, higher workloads and burn-outs.  

It’s appropriate, indeed important, that you show how you feel by wearing red to work on important bargaining days. Put on a red shirt, a blazer, a scarf – anything. If you can’t wear red, use a red coffee mug or water bottle at work.

AUPE members pose with their red shirts and raised fists in a warehouse.

Government of Alberta members wore red on Feb. 13. Alberta Health Services members in General Support Services and Nursing Care wore red to work on Feb. 23 and will do so again on Mar. 14.

Approximately 82,000 AUPE members are in bargaining this year. It is vital that we not only show support for ourselves and our coworkers, but for all our fellow members who are fighting for better collective agreements.

Members wearing red AUPE wristbands make a circle with their fists.

Keep an eye on your personal email inbox for updates on “wear-red” days at your workplace. If you haven’t already, make sure you get these messages by creating a MyAUPE Account at

Take selfies with your co-workers wearing red and send pictures to AUPE’s Communications department will use some of these photos on social media to show your determination and strength.

The members pose in their red attire.Tough-looking AUPE members in a warehouse pose in red.Smiling GSS members pose in red.A member from Sundre Hospital poses in red.

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