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Convention is coming!

AUPE’s 47th Annual Convention is almost here. Delegates from across the province are ready to Move Forward in Solidarity.

Oct 04, 2024

By Maureen Mariampillai, Communications Staff

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Convention is just a few weeks away and we can already feel the energy buzzing!

Over 1,000 delegates from across the province will come together to see the progress we’ve made over the past year and set our direction for the next one.

It’s no secret that we are all struggling. Short staffing, stagnant wages, impossible workloads – all of it pushes us down, but here we are, still rising to the challenge.

“I’m inspired by every single AUPE member who has made sacrifices to participate in Convention, picket captain training, town-halls, and rallies across the province,” says AUPE President Guy Smith. “It’s not always easy, but it’s necessary to achieve our demands in bargaining.”

“Every time the employer says ‘No, we can’t do that’ they actually mean ‘No, we don't want to do that.’ It’s time for AUPE members to take action to win what we deserve."
Guy Smith 2023

AUPE President Guy Smith

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Employers like the Government of Alberta, Aberta Health Services, and the University of Calgary say they can’t pay us wages that reflect the valuable work we do, nor the job security that would give so many of us peace of mind.

And yet, the government announced a 4-billion-dollar surplus that could be spent on supporting the workers who make this province run.

“The government is no different from any other employer we have faced at the bargaining table,” says Smith. “Every time the employer says ‘No, we can’t do that’ they actually mean ‘No, we don't want to do that.’ It’s time for AUPE members to take action to win what we deserve.”

From Oct. 24 to 26 at Convention, AUPE members from every sector will send all our employers the same message: We’re not taking ‘No’ for an answer.

What to expect at Convention

AUPE Executive and staff sitting at the front of the Convention stage
AUPE Convention 2023
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Convention is the governing body of AUPE, where we develop policy, budget and operating procedures. We also elect our Executive Committee every other year. The next Executive election will be at Convention 2025.

Some Convention highlights include the President’s Address, Resolutions, and greetings from special guests and allies.

Convention is also an opportunity for AUPE’s 13 standing committees to share the work they have been doing on behalf of the membership and for delegates to recognize the progress AUPE is making.  

The best way to make the most of your Convention experience is to participate! This is your opportunity to discuss what matters to you and the direction you want our union to take.  

Join the Convention Rally  

Not a Convention delegate? Not a problem! Everyone is invited to join our rally on Oct. 24 at the Alberta Legislature in Edmonton from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 pm.  

We are rallying with AUPE members, other unions, and supporters to show the province we are determined to fight for better wages and working conditions. The time for action is now.

Like our Convention theme says: let’s continue to Move Forward in Solidarity. 

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