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AUPE Votes

Municipal Election Candidates - Leduc

AUPE's Committee on Political Action sent surveys to municipal candidates across the province. Read their responses and the grade COPA gave them below!

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What we asked candidates

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These are the questions we sent candidates for Council

  1. Will you oppose privatization of municipal services and infrastructure, including Public-Private-Partnerships aka P3s? Will you support bringing previously privatized services in-house?
  2. Will you support your employees and your community by ensuring the municipality employs staff with living wages, full-time hours where desired, job security, and collective bargaining rights?
  3. Will you oppose attempts from the provincial government to legislate against municipal staff including cuts to the Local Authorities Pension Plan, or restrictions on their right to strike?
  4. How do you propose your municipality deal with funding shortfalls, cuts, and downloading of responsibilities from federal and provincial governments? Do you favour spending cuts over tax increases?
  5. Do you support measures such as mask mandates, vaccine “passports”, and vaccine mandates for staff to limit and reduce the spread of COVID-19 in your municipality?
  6. Do you support measures to reduce municipal reliance on services fees and fares, such as eliminating transit fares?

These are the questions we sent candidates for Black Gold School Division

  1. Do you agree with calls to scrap the draft curriculum and start over to develop a curriculum that is accurate in capturing Alberta’s colonial history, diverse present, and modernized to reflect the world we live in?
  2. Do you believe the current education funding formula is sufficient for your district? If not, how will you work to convince the province to provide sustainable and adequate funding?
  3. Will you oppose privatization of school services and infrastructure, including Public-Private-Partnerships aka P3s? Will you support bringing previously privatized services in-house?
  4. Will you support your employees and your community by ensuring the school board employs staff with living wages, full-time hours where desired, job security, and collective bargaining rights? 
  5. Will you oppose attempts from the provincial government to legislate against school staff including cuts to the Local Authorities Pension Plan, or restrictions on their right to strike?
  6. Do you support measures such as mask mandates, and vaccine mandates for staff to limit and reduce the spread of COVID-19 in your schools?

Responses from Council candidates

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Lars Hansen

  1. C    
  2. C    
  3. C    
  4. D    
  5. B    
  6. B

Read Hansen's full response here.

Ryan Pollard

  1. C-    
  2. B    
  3. B    
  4. D+    
  5. B    
  6. B

 Read Pollard's full response here.

Unfortunately, the other council candidates did not respond to our survey and there was not enough public information about their platforms to grade them on the issues that matter to AUPE members.

Responses from Black Gold School Division candidates

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Ward 1

Michelle Martin

1. D
2. B
3. C-
4. B
5. C
6. C
Read Martin's full response here.

Ward 2

Mackenzie Woodcock

1. A
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. D
6. C

Read Woodcock's full response here.

Ron Patrick

1. D
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. D

Read Patrick's full response here.

Unfortunately, the other candidates in Ward 2 did not respond to our survey and there was not enough public information about their platforms to grade them on the issues that matter to AUPE members.

Ward 3

Rhonda Whitten

1. B
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. C

Read Whitten's full response here.

Emily Meetsma

1. A
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. C
6. C

Read Meetsma's full response here.

Gary Hansen

1. A
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. A

Read Hansen's full response here.

Unfortunately, the other candidates in Ward 3 did not respond to our survey and there was not enough public information about their platforms to grade them on the issues that matter to AUPE members.

Ward 4

Kim Murray

1. B
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. F

Unfortunately, the other candidates in Ward 4 did not respond to our survey and there was not enough public information about their platforms to grade them on the issues that matter to AUPE members.