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Justin Huseby


Executive Secretary-Treasurer

Local 052, Calgary 

Executive Secretary-Treasurer Justin Huseby (he/him) was elected in the 2023 Convention and has been an active AUPE member for over 19 years. 

Huseby has a Bachelor of Management-Finance degree from the University of Lethbridge and has experience in major capital project management. He’s also served the membership as a steward, and held various positions on the Local Executive, Provincial Executive, and Provincial Executive Elections Committee. Huseby has also previously served on the Standing Committees for Membership Services, Pensions, and Finance. 

As a long-time union activist, Huseby was instrumental in mobilizing members to successfully stop the contracting out of the University of Calgary Campus Bookstore. He has also passionately defended caretakers against devastating cuts, job loss, pay reductions, and shift changes and supported Alberta’s Post-Secondary Education and Research sector by helping members of the Public Interest Alberta Post-Secondary Task Force since 2019.  

Huseby is committed to bringing his unique combination of leadership, activism and financial experience to strengthen financial and educational support for AUPE members. 

Secretary-Treasurer Huseby is the chair of AUPE’s Members’ Benefits Standing Committee and the Finance Standing Committee and represents members and retirees on the Public Service Pension Plan. 

He resides in Calgary with his wife and six-year-old daughter.