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Darren Graham 2023

Darren Graham



Local 057, Red Deer

After serving as Chair of Local 057 (Alberta Health Services Central Zone – General Support Services), Darren Graham (he/him) was first elected as Vice President in 2021 and was re-elected at the 2023 Convention. 

Vice President Graham has been employed with Alberta Health Services (formerly the David Thompson Health Region) since 2003 and was prior to that a member of Local 53 (University of Lethbridge) for three years. He has a history of union activism, involved in his first wildcat when he worked in the oil patch and served as Students’ Union Vice President while attending university.

Graham has previously served on AUPE’s Anti-Privatization and Political Committees and the AHS GSS Bargaining Committee. 

Graham chairs the Standing Committees for Membership Services and Pensions.