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Athabasca University: Bargaining continues

Bargaining update for Local 069, Athabasca University

Feb 03, 2025

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Your negotiating team met with the employer on Jan. 22 and 23 to continue bargaining. 

We presented AU with our complete non-monetary proposals. Many of the proposals require further information from the employer, and AU has committed to providing us with this information when we next meet. We expect bargaining to gain momentum at our March meetings.

We had good discussions about Article 28 – Leave Without Pay, which was signed-off. 

We mostly discussed the following issues:

•    Casual workers sick days
•    Hiring transparency and efficiency
•    Mental health (three separate proposals addressing different aspects of mental health)
•    Improved communication of our options in the event of position abolishment

We also discussed our proposed improvements to the following items:

•    Article 11 Posting of Vacancies – an increase to time job postings open; feedback for members not given an interview, or are not successful applicants 
•    Article 25 Special Leave – broaden language to “personal matters”
•    Article 28 Leave Without Pay – clarify who gets the request 
•    Article 31 Health and Safety – specify union representation numbers for committee in collective agreement
•    Article 34 Position Descriptions and Performance Assessment – want assessment subject to Grievance
•    Article 35 Position Reductions – add timeline for employer, with union representation to provide options to member upon abolishment 
•    NEW EMAC – formally write EMAC language into the collective agreement
•    LOU Workload – review subject to Grievance

Please watch your personal email in early February. Your negotiating team will send you updates on an important all-members meeting to hear your feedback on the issues we are facing in bargaining. A “check-in” survey link will be sent in the coming weeks.

Our next bargaining meeting is scheduled for Mar. 13. 

If you have any questions or concerns about this bargaining update, please contact a member of your negotiating team or the Member Resource Centre, toll-free, at 1-800-232-7284.

Frazer Andrews 780-689-1109 or    
Jessie Jones 780-676-0192 or    
Michael MacLean 780-695-3823 or    
Davina Goettlicher 780-675-0483 or    
Shannon Splinter Alternate 780-213-4313 or   
Scott Drake Negotiations

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  • Bargaining updates
