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Crisis Counselling Service for AUPE Members

AUPE members and their immediate families can call 1-844-744-7026 anytime if they are experiencing a crisis.

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AUPE's Crisis Support Service

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AUPE members do stressful jobs, and our jobs and lives have been made even harder because of COVID-19. Sometimes, things happen that put us or our family members into crisis. Free, confidential help is available for AUPE members and their immediate family members (spouses and children).

Call AUPE’s Crisis Support Service line at 1-844-744-7026. This service is available even if the crisis is not work-related.

Provided by Telus Health (formerly LifeWorks), a mental health counselling organization, this support is completely free and confidential. Crisis support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

If you or a family member are experiencing intense anxiety or vulnerability for any reason, our Crisis Support Service is there for you.

Download a printable brochure

TELUS Health One

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Full access to EAP materials is now available to all AUPE members online using the TELUS Health One app or website using the credentials below:

Access TELUS Health One today. The new platform can be accessed today at, using the login credentials below. These shared credentials provide unpersonalized access for your organization to our base platform. The same password and username can be used by everyone in your organization.   	 Logo of a purple heart circled by three arrows Your TELUS Health One login credentials:  English Username: eap-aupe Password: EAP  French Username: pae-aupe Password: PAE

Financial Counselling

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Financial counselling is also available to AUPE members and their families. Financial advice is available at 1-844-744-7026 (a dedicated number for AUPE members). Please note that this is a free financial service and that LifeWorks has changed their name to Telus Health. Members will be redirected for assistance when calling.
