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Committee Chairperson

Curtis Jackson

Local 006
Committee Member

Nanhun Kim

Local 001
Committee Member

Allysa Mercer

Local 002
Committee Member

Madeline Cuncannon

Local 044
Committee Member

Charlie Giguere-Letourneau

Local 052
Committee Member

Kimoy Marston

Local 002
Committee Member

Lyndsey Jankowski

Local 043, Local 056
Committee Member

Kennedy McNiven

Local 002
Committee Member

Katherine Spencer

Local 058
Staff Advisor

Kathie Milne

Staff Admin

Charlene Peterson

Committee news

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Nominations Open for the Young Activists Committee RALY Award

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Nominate an AUPE youth activist by July 10  

Every year, AUPE’s Young Activist Committee recognizes young activists in our union for contributions to their fellow members and the future of our movement. 

Nominate a member for the Recognition of Activism Leadership (RALY) award by July 10, 2024.   

All members who are 30 years old and younger are eligible. You and your coworkers can nominate a young activist at 

We count on young activists to carry on the tradition of union activism in Alberta. The award recognizes young members who go above and beyond—who fight for fair collective agreements, workplace health and safety, and the wellbeing of their fellow members. 

That is why we created the RALY Award, to show members that their activism makes a difference. 

The Young Activist Committee will present the award on August 12, International Youth Day.   

Duties of the Young Activists Committee

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AUPE’s Constitution sets out the duties of the Young Activists Committee as follows:

The Young Activists Committee shall:

  1. establish ongoing connections with AUPE members 30 years and younger to determine their needs, issues, concerns as younger workers and as AUPE members;
  2. establish a network of AUPE’s younger members to share common issues, interests, and concerns as younger workers, and to provide a forum to raise their issues and concerns;
  3. encourage younger members’ participation in AUPE, their worksites and their communities;
  4. bring forward issues of concern for younger members to the Provincial Executive and Convention;
  5. present appropriate resolutions at Convention;
  6. to educate younger members on youth movements in the community and to establish links with youth movements which share the same goals and objectives as AUPE;
  7. keep younger members informed of the issues affecting AUPE through articles in “Direct Impact” and through a Young Activist Committee web-page; and
  8. establish a network of elected Local contacts to develop a line of communication between the Young Activists Committee and the membership.

Relevant Resolutions

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2010 Convention Resolutions

  1. WHEREAS AUPE wants to identify young leaders, 30 years-of-age and under, and, that Young Activists Committee promotes development within the Membership of AUPE; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Young Activists Committee present an annual award to an a AUPE member, 30 years-of-age or under, who exemplifies leadership, activism, and solidarity amongst fellow members, current Young Activists Committee Members to be excluded from eligibility of the award.

2009 Convention Resolutions

  1. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that AUPE fund a Youth Conference in accordance with the Conference Policy, every two years, at the Young Activists Committee’s discretion; and
    1. THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all the Locals be encouraged to sponsor additional 30 years or younger members, above the limit in the AUPE Policy, to attend at the Local’s expense.
  2. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union, as represented by the Young Activists Committee, participate in the education program of the Aspen Foundation to educate young people on the merits and principles of union membership.
  3. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that all AUPE Bargaining Committees are encouraged to prepare for some hard bargaining for casual members of AUPE.
  4. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that all Standing Committees are encouraged to hold at least half of all their meetings at a variety of worksites across Alberta.

2008 Convention Resolutions

  1. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that AUPE sponsor any member of the Young Activists Committee who begins the application and selection process to attend the Governor General’s Leadership Conference, which is held every four years;
    1. THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that AUPE pay the time off, travel and any expenses incurred during the Governor General’s Leadership Conference.

2006 Convention Resolutions

  1. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Article 15.07 (j) be amended as follows: (vii) establish a network of elected Local contacts to develop a line of communication between the Young Activists Committee and the membership.
  2. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that each Local be encouraged to designate one (1) observer seat for a member who has never attended prior AUPE convention.

2005 Convention Resolutions

  1. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that AUPE designate one position on the Young Activists Committee to be filled by a member 35 or older, active and experienced within AUPE.

2002 Convention Resolutions

  1. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ad Hoc Youth Mobilization Committee sponsor a two day AUPE Youth Seminar for a maximum of 100 participants in late Spring 2003 to develop strategies to greater involvement of AUPE’s younger members in their Union.
  2. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that any chapters and Locals which have provision in their Collective Agreements for a Union orientation for new employees be strongly encouraged to formalize this orientation process and ensure that the orientation of new members is actually occurring.
  3. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that each Local Council formally designate one council member who will be a liaison between the Local Council and the Ad Hoc Youth Mobilization Committee for the purposes of sharing information and ideas.
  4. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Locals and Chapters actively seek out younger activists who would serve their Union well by holding an elected position and encourage them to run for elected positions within their Chapter or Local.


Young Activists Committee members group photo

The seven members of the 2022 Young Activists Committee stand together on the main stairwell of AUPE's Edmonton Headquarters. A mat at the bottom of the stairs has an AUPE logo.