AUPE Member Resource Centre 1-800-232-7284

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Committee contacts

Committee Chairperson

Curtis Jackson

Local 006
Committee Member

Jennifer Gutierrez

Local 095
Committee Member

Angela Smyth

Local 045
Committee Member

Annabelle Alger

Local 054
Committee Member

Braydon Lane

Local 058
Committee Member

Nancy Woods

Committee Member

Ashlea Golding

Local 006
Committee Member

Curtis Jackson

Local 006
Committee Member

Amanda McIvor

Local 006
Committee Member

Jay-Lee Van Der Berg

Local 043
Staff Advisor

Madison Beblow

Staff Admin

Rachel Blackwood

Committee news

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Anti-privatization reporting form

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PLEASE NOTE: the reporting form is not monitored by member services officers. If you have an issue with contracting out or privatization that is imminently impacting your job, call the Member Resource Centre at 1-800-232-7284 and ask to speak to a MSO

Fill out our anti-privatization reporting form below to report any rumours, notices, and talks of privatization at your worksite. 


Life Cycle of an Anti-Privatization Report
Life Cycle of an Anti-Privatization Report

AUPE's Anti-Privatization Manual

Photo of the Anti-Priv Manual cover page

AUPE's Anti-Privatization Manual has everything you need to spot the signs of privatization and organize to help you and your coworkers save your jobs. Download and read the manual if you think your worksite at risk.

Download the Anti-Privatization Manual

Duties of the Anti-Privatization Committee

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AUPE’s Constitution sets out the duties of the Anti-Privatization Committee as follows:

The Anti-Privatization Committee shall:

  1. promote the education of the members and public as it relates to matters of privatization and contracting out;
  2. lobby all levels of government with respect to privatization and contracting out of services;
  3. coordinate with all other public service unions and federations;
  4. report regularly to the Provincial Executive;
  5. establish a data base, in coordination with other unions, of all efforts at privatization and contracting out and the results of these efforts;
  6. draft presentations to be made by the President, or the President’s designate, regarding matters of this Committee; and
  7. promote the Policy Paper on Privatization and Contracting Out of Services as adopted by Convention.

Anti-Privatization Sub-Committee Protocols

  1. Local elects or appoints Sub Committee member(s)
  2. Local decides the number of Sub Committee members
  3. Identify key issues on the work site(s)/in Chapter/Local
  4. Education the Local Council on P.E.R.M.
  5. Work on Local issues
  6. Pass “global” issues on to the Standing Committee (i.e. advertising ideas)
  7. Maintain communication with the Standing Committee
  8. Maintain communication with other Sub Committees
  9. Take a leadership role – educate your Local
  10. Research Local issues
  11. Forward Sub Committee meeting minutes to the Standing Committee

Create a MyAUPE Account

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Ensure AUPE has your up-to-date contact information and receive the latest union news, personalized for you. 

Click here to create your myAUPE account.

Get a free AUPE Lawn Sign

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Members can pick up Support Public Services lawn signs from AUPE's regional offices across the province, including Edmonton Headquarters. 


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You can contact the AUPE Anti-privatization Committee by email at

Please refer to this contact sheet to obtain the name of the contact assigned to your Local.
