AUPE Member Resource Centre 1-800-232-7284

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Under article 15.03 of the Constitution, the Executive Committee appoints members to all standing committees. Members must submit their names to the Executive Committee for consideration. The Executive Committee then appoints members to committees based on knowledge and merit of the individual, and with consideration to fair representation of geography and local representation.

In this section

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Anti-Privatization Committee

AUPE's Anti-Privatization Committee works to educate members and the public, as well as lobby the government, on privatization and contracting out of services.

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Environmental Committee

AUPE's Environmental Committee works to educate members and the public on environmental issues that affect them, and lobbies the government on relevant issues.

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Executive Committee

AUPE's Executive Committee is made up of a President, Executive Secretrary-Treasurer, and 6 Vice-Presidents, elected by AUPE members at the Annual Convention.

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Finance Committee

The AUPE Finance Committee follows the guidelines set out in the Constitution for assisting in the administration of AUPE's finances.

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Human Rights Committee

The AUPE Human Rights Committee follows guidelines set out in the Constitution to educate and promote awareness on equality, discrimination, and human rights.

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Legislative Committee

The AUPE Legislative Committee advises on questions relating to the Constitution and makes legislative recommendations.

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Members' Benefits Committee

The AUPE Members' Benefits Committee invests the Benevolent Fund and the Education Assistance Fund, as well as reviews applications for financial assistance.

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Membership Services Committee

The AUPE Membership Services Committee adheres to guidelines outlined in the Constitution to assist and promote the general welfare of the members of the union.

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Occupational Health & Safety Committee

The AUPE OH&S Commitee reviews occupational health and safety practices and procedures, as well as educates members accordingly and enforces OH&S policies.

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Pay and Social Equity Committee

The AUPE Pay and Social Equity Committee's mandate is to educate, lobby, inform, research, and take action on pay and social equity issues.

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Pension Committee

The AUPE Pension Committee promotes the pension education of members and lobbies government and Pension Boards when necessary on related concerns.

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Committee on Political Action

The AUPE Committee on Political Action promotes union-related political action within the membership and educates members on social action.

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Women's Committee

The AUPE Women's Committee educates members and the public on equality, discrimination, and current issues especially those relevant to women.

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Young Activists Committee

The AUPE Young Activists Commitee establishes ongoing connections with members 30 years and younger to determine their needs, issues, and concerns.