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AUPE Executive election town halls Sept. 26 & 27

Save the dates! Please join AUPE’s election town halls to hear from members running for executive positions at this year’s convention.

Sep 12, 2023

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Over one thousand delegates will elect AUPE’s next eight-member executive at Convention 2023. The executive positions include: 

  • President  
  • Executive Secretary-Treasurer   
  • Six Vice-Presidents  

AUPE’s Elections Committee is hosting Telephone Town Halls so delegates and alternates can learn more about their candidates.  

Candidate Town Halls Day 1 

Tuesday, September 26 

  • Session 1: Noon – 2:00 PM 
  • Session 2: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM 

Candidate Town Halls Day 2 

Wednesday, September 27 

  • Session 1: Noon – 2:00 PM 
  • Session 2: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM 

How to join the Telephone Town Halls 

Convention delegates and alternates will automatically receive a phone call minutes before each event starts. Answer this call and stay on the line to participate in the town hall. 

You will also receive a phone call a few days beforehand to remind you of the town halls. 

AUPE members who are not delegates or alternates can also participate. If you are not a delegate or alternate but would like to join the town halls, please join us at this web page.

Each town hall will also be streamed live on AUPE’s Facebook page


Each candidate will be given three minutes for an opening statement. The rest of the town hall will be a Question-and-Answer session. This is when members on the phone line can ask their questions live, like a radio talk show. 

Candidates have been randomly selected to be part of only one day of town halls. This is to ensure everyone has the opportunity to share their ideas and answer questions. Try to attend town halls on both days to hear from each candidate. Candidates are divided as follows: 

Town Halls Day 1, Sept. 26 

Darren Graham
(Candidate for Vice-President) 

Bonnie Gostola
(Candidate for Vice-President) 

Curtis Jackson
(Candidate for Vice-President) 

James Gault
(Candidate for Vice-President) 

Danielle Kiesman
(Candidate for Vice-President) 

Laura Sadler
(Candidate for Vice-President) 

Justin Huseby
(Candidate for Executive Secretary-Treasurer) 

Ron Fernandes
(Candidate for Executive Secretary-Treasurer) 

Valeria Hannak
(Candidate for Executive Secretary-Treasurer) 

Town Halls Day 2, Sept. 27 

Bobby-Joe Borodey
(Candidate for Vice-President) 

Sandra Azocar
(Candidate for Vice-President) 

Jesse Philp
(Candidate for Vice-President) 

Steve Eagles
(Candidate for Vice-President) 

Shamanthi Cooray
(Candidate for Vice-President) 

Merle Terlesky
(Candidate for Vice-President) 

Guy Smith
(Candidate for President) 

Bimal Sharma
(Candidate for President) 

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  • Member update